Janken     Created on Friday, 08 June 2001 00:00  
  The Shovel and the Wiseman (continued)  
By Soon the news reached the Sonhi people that the king and all those with him were leaving the ordinary world and following the Shovel Wise Man to the Mountains of Buya. Then all the people in the entire city of Sonhi followed them towards the northern mountains. Sohni was empty!

This great migration of people came to the attention of the god Sakka, King of the Heaven of 33. Never had he seen so many giving up worldly power. He ordered the architect of the Gods to build a dwelling place in the Buyan forests for all these people.

When they arrived in the Mountains, the Shovel Wise Man was the first to announce that he had given up the ordinary world for good. Then all those with him did the same. Never was so much worldly power given up, or renounced, at the same time.

The Shovel Wise Man developed what holy man call the 'Four Heavenly States of Mind'. First is loving-kindness, tender affection for all. Second is feeling sympathy and pity for all those who suffer. Third is feeling happiness for all those who are joyful. And the fourth state is balance and calm, even in the face of difficulties or troubles.

He taught the others advanced meditation. With great effort they all gained high mental states, leading to rebirth in heaven worlds.

The moral is: Only one possession is enough to keep the mind from finding freedom.
                   ^ ^
~GoldStaff OO