Devion     Created on Saturday, 03 June 2000 00:00  
  KittyMeoww's Message  
So.. after a long time it seems i still have no visions =/

how humiliating to watch the rest of my fellow monks enjoy the visions they have an share them and i... only find that apples truly love earth.

Well I dont need visions to see the obvious.  Pride has hurt the monks and each other.  To many times i have heard the words brother and sister used to loosely in conversation or in passing.  Once i was asked to 'please leave, sister'.. can you imagine telling your sister to go away?  My family means more to me than anything and when my brother or sister does wrong i scold them with my tongue at the same time embrassing them with my arms!
and the lack of my visual aptitude leaves me with the branding of insane and i'm looked down upon by my own brothers and sisters.. *sigh*

well, we are monks and we wander about to learn and teach.  Perhaps what i have seen without visions is enough for me to continue my travels.  Hopefully my other monks see what it means to be a family.