Berig     Created on Saturday, 14 January 2006 16:55  
Buya, Yuri 72 Fall...

There was a young poet that don’t know what to do

Her face is soft and her eyes are the color of ocean blue

She looks around her, and finds bunny, squirrel and deer too!

But when she pats the deer, ouch it bites her… Boo hoo :(

The pain she felt, has awaken her

But hatred inside her have never occur

From that day, she begin seeks her inner

With only hope and faith, she starts to wander

One afternoon in Buya, she heard a poet sobbing

He is about her age and he lost his black ring

Without being asked, she gave him her only sen glove

He thanked her, and she said to him to spread the love

“HaHaHa, you are too innocent, you such a fool”

All the sobbing and crying was all fake, oh how cruel!

This realm and its villages are beautiful

But sometimes people can be mean and cruel

Maybe meditate is what she shall need,

Finding inner peace for her is the plead.

Yuris after Yuris has passed by

Never give up, nor she show dismay

Sammasati named Maya dance within the Dae shore breeze,

Just by looking at her, she felt such overwhelming ease,

She felt the energy that the Monk has released

She carefully asked her, “Where can I find Inner peace?”

The Monk smiled, the poet looked at her with such admire

The Monk said; to begin, she has to let go of her desire

Eagerly she says, “Please show me the way”

The monk replied “Listen carefully to what I have to say”

This is how her journey as a Monk begin,

She love her brother, sister and all the lovely kin

She will not trade her family for anything in this realm

The joy and the love are so overwhelm!!!

Love you all <3