Torent     Created on Saturday, 09 September 2006 21:51  
  The sounds of footsteps shuffeling across the old, wooden floor; gruff and gentle voices alike discussing such mysterious and interesting tales that seemed to be their life; the clanging of pots and pans, mixed in just perfectly with running water; the light that shone through the window and danced for me as the trees waved to the children playing beneath them; the smell freshly baked bread and lingering wine.  These are the memories that come to me when I remember my childhood, growing up in the Spring Tavern.  They were fond days, and I spent many a sunny day with my friends, playing games thought up with our imaginations in the back rooms. As I grew older, I became more interested in the stories and tales from the visiting travelers, rather than the wander lust that struck my friends and drove them off into the wilderness to explore.
The tales I heard were interesting. Being of the inhabitants of the lands I lived in, about the lands themselves, and the legends that existed.  I amused myself for a few Yuri's, and most of younger years listening and dwelling on these stories.  Then, when i was old enough that my parents would let me venture out, I packed up that which I held dear to me and set out.  I took with me my collection of the tales I had scribed down, as well as a pouch I had sewn myself. My first destination was Dae Shore, a place that had sparked my interest for quite a while.

By now I was old enough to understand that which I saw, and to think reasonably about that which occured.  I arrived at Dae Shore and marveled at its beauty, taking in the various forms of nature and enjoying my time spent there. One particular sight near the shores sent sparks through my body. The waterfall.  It was amazing to watch and I found myself sitting infront of it, watching for hours upon hours as the water fell.  I pondered the cycle of the water, and its purpose for falling like that.  I ended spending another Yuri at the shore thinking these questions that seemed to inspire me to learn more.  I began to seek the understanding and wisdom that came from experiencing life.  And so, I went back to Buya, to begin yet another adventure.

I noticed that by now I was thinking entirely different than I had when I had last been to the city.  I know sought the truth behind words spoken, rather than there deceptive intentions often woven in to guide others to a preferable decision.  It was during this time that I took an interest in the arts of magic and more precisely, healing.  These powers intrigued me and I studied them, and the ideas behind them, learning of the religions that existed in the land I lived in.  I began to realize the importance of self development, and also that on the days I felt more at peace with myself and the world around me, how much spells would become more in tune.  This led me to seek self development and my eyes were opened to the ways of the monks.  I now turn to their writings and study, in hopes to become one of them..

~From the writings of Torent, and how he came to be.