StarryLight     Created on Sunday, 30 September 2007 23:04  
  Peace, Tranquility, Calmness.

Things one would expect in their childhood, yet so often they do not exist.  Growing up with two brothers of the mage path, in a family with shamanic ancestry - such things were, in fact, nowhere to be found.  I was raised in Buya by Launa and Kalaman, son and daughter of Devion, Wildhair, Mountie, and Esoteric. Pli, my Geomancer brother, and Moguro, a follower of the spirit realm were constantly at odds over their differing beliefs. Myself, I chose to walk the path of the poet. I was the odd-man-out, and as such, grandfather Devion pulled me aside, and offered to instruct me in the ways he, himself was so taught.  

Many peaceful afternoons followed, learning about the eightfold path, and seeking to attain the inner peace that the great man had himself obtained many Yuri prior.

I watched and listened to him every day, observing how the aged, yet young-spirited man spoke, and acted towards his kin. This inspired me to follow in those footsteps.

Shortly thereafter, he handed me a parchment, with so little as a word.  Reading it carefully, I knew. Three yuri of hard work laid ahead of me.

One sunny afternoon in the summer of the 50th year of King Yuri's reign, I finally approached him with a sealed parchment, having completed the tasks he'd instructed me to complete.

"It is time." he spoke softly, smiling in such a peaceful way, that the very air itself seemed to lighten.

"I.. Time? For what, grampa?" I replied.

He smiled softly, holding out his hand, and walking with me towards what appeared to be an ordinary tree.

"Since you were a child, I've taught you of our ways. Had you endure trials of patience, wisdom, and devotion, all without so much as an explination. It's time I brought you home."

"Home?" I asked

"Home. You've worked hard, they're waiting to meet you." He said, striding gracefully towards the tree.


"Your family. Our family. The sect of monks about whom you've been so eager to learn."

With nothing more than a smile, he seemed to vanish into thin air beside the tree, exhuming forth a rush of energy into my very being as he did so. I followed him without so much as a word.

Blissful moments followed, as he brought me through the entrance to what has since become my home - The very circle he'd served for so many years.

"Welcome." A young scholar, whose name I soon learned to be Janken said, bowing gracefully as I walked through the seamless veil my grandfather had just moments ago. "We've much to tell you... please, take a seat."

With that, I began the endless learning path I still walk today, holding the memories of my grandfather close, and never forgetting what it was he saw, and taught.

~Scribed by StarryLight Darkflame, Hyul 11, Spring.