Satashi     Created on Saturday, 03 November 2007 00:21  
  Full Name: Princess Satashi Lee Mizutani of Honshu
Gender: Female
Age: 27
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Dark red
Birthplace: Honshu Island
Birth Season: Winter                    -Satashi Lee Mizutani-

  The story of Satashi's life begins on a small island a ways from these lands, the island was home to a small but strong volcano by the name of Honshu. The island  was prosperous and had many farms and small businesses. The people were friendly and bitterness was a foreign feeling.
  Satashi was the daughter of Brinaki and Jurai. Brinaki was a very strong woman and had amazing wealth. She kept everything in order and was very wise. Jurai was a rather quiet but noble warrior. He would often be practicing sword techniques and training by himself in the early morning. Satashi had two brothers: Enkei and Lon. Enkei was taught the intense skill of casting magic by a friend of the family. Lon picked up stealth moves from their mother and would practice some of his moves against their father. As for Satashi, she spent most of her time watching her older brother, Enkei, practice his magic. She enjoyed watching him, but she knew the path wasn't right for her. A few years later- when she was about the age of twelve, she picked up the art of healing.
  Enkei was about mid ninteen, Lon: eighteen, and Satashi was about the age of fourteen when the Honshu volcano started violently errupt. All of their lives the volcano had been active, but never gave off anything more than ashes.  Satashi and her brothers had awoken to the family servents shaking them violently to get them up. It wasn't until Enkei grabbed both of his younger siblings hands and ran out of their home to a small boat until Satashi saw her parents...
  Both of them were rounding up their soldiers and telling them to take all of the boats and make sure every house was clear. They were both very calm, as if they had planned for this day their entire lives. Enkei had thrown both of his siblings into one of the small boats with another family and began to push out into the ocean. Satashi looked around frantically, quickly calling out to her parents.
  "MAMA! PAPA!" she would yell at them. They both looked in her direction, noticing her small voice straining to get their attention. They both frowned and their heads bowed slightly. Satashi knew that this was the last time she'd see them. She continued to scream out at them as her older brothers paddled out into the ocean with all of their might. Enkei and Lon kept silent as they paddled. They leaded about a good amount of 25 small boats out into the ocean. Children, and women were crying. Husbands and sons were comforting them as best as they could. Satashi could only watch in disbelief as her home... slowly faded away as the boats floated farther away.
  It had been about five days since they had left their home when they finally reached a large nation. Families rejoiced as they docked and began to make their way to the city's barracks. Enkei, Lon, and Satashi lead the way- silent.
  A young man and woman greeted the three of them and bowed slowly.
  "Prince Enkei, Prince Lon, and Princess Satashi of Honshu, we have heard news from neighboring islands... You have our sympathy..." they were silent for a moment, " our home is your home, we will have houses built for every family of your nation and they will be provided with food and water."
   Enkei bowed slowly, Lon and Satashi followed his actions.

   Years had passed and Enkei, Lon, and Satashi had grown up. Satashi neared the age of about twenty and grew to more of a citizen than a princess. She became much stronger in the art of healing and trained almost every day. She had moved to the nation of Nagnang, and was living there for a short amount of time until she met a young boy. He was poking a gate guardsman with a wooden stick.
   "You're probably bothering him...~" she said to him in a quiet voice, but laughed slightly. He turned to her and blinked, she waved then continued walking- her destination was the butcher.
    "Wait!" he had called after her and ran up to her side, "where are you going, miss?" he was-- a good six inches taller than her, his hair was dark black and messy. He looked like he hadn't groomed himself in a good while.
   "I am seeing the butcher," she eyed him for a moment, a twig sticking out of his hair and the dirt on the corner of his chin made her laugh a slight bit. "You know, there is a river not far from here..."
   "Yeah, I know. I'm not thirsty though. ... Did you say butcher? Aren't you a little old to continue seeing the butcher?" he smiled carelessly.
    "I don't like getting my hands messy..." she thought for a moment, back on Honshu a boy this messy would be embarrassed to even be seen by her. But she enjoyed his company and his witty comments. And behind all that mess- he was terribly cute.
    Satashi had spent much time with this boy, they became very close and told eachother everything. It wasn't until a good year later did she realise that she was in love with him. Her first love was a messy, dirt covered, immature little commoner! A short time later- they were wed.
    Years have passed since then, Satashi had heard of a path that taught of inner peace and enlightenment from a close friend. She had looked into the path and studied their ways. She began to meditate on her own at first, and then awhile later she joined the Monk subpath. She found that meditating put her mind to rest about her past and makes it easier for her to focus on what is ahead of herself. She is constantly learning new things from the Monks and is growing with them.
    The messy boy she fell in love with has become more of a man, he is much stronger than her and is cleaning up well. She treasures her new life, the Monk subpath for helping her find peace within herself, her new friends, and her husband, who she loves dearly.

    Satashi continues to live her commoner life to this day, content.