Berig     Created on Wednesday, 28 September 2005 15:35  
Full Name: My Real Name has Been Forgotten over the Years
 Gender: Male
 Age: 22
 Eyes: Hazel
 Hair: Blue
 Birthplace: Scribe Mountain
 Birth Season: Winter

  As the dawn broke upon a misty mount, my eyes opened for the first time to see the light of day. It was here amongst the lotus blossoms and lilies that I use to play. Being born atop the high mountain that I now know as "Scribes Mountain" I was not subject to meeting many more than the passers by whom sought the summit. Here I saw nature in its true simplistic beauty. These times where filled with unabounding happiness. It was here that I grew love life and to see what this earth offered us.

    As I had mentioned, on rare occasion people did pass by as I lived amongst the land. They would come bearing news of the city and its happenings. They all would come along one central road that ran through where I lived. Here I found many who were worn and battered as it was quite a travel to make.

   One day as wondered along the road near the summit I ran into one who called himself a "monk". He had come to make magical incantations used to protect the people of his town. He sat and talked with me for quite some time. This was new to me as I had never met anyone who had cared to speak with me much. I held him to the highest regard. I offered him housing as that was all I could give him and as we sat by the fires light that night he shared with me the story of the monks. He told me of there healings and how they did not strike against others, but helped those weak and those in need.

   The next morn I asked of him a favor, to show me to the city. He brought me to Kugnae where he lives and to this day that is where I have stayed. He I started over, remembering what my beginnings had taught me and decided I would learn of these lands and find my way back to these "Monks" who shared some many a likeness with me. 

    Many a Yuri later I stumbled into later would become my teacher, The Lady Maya, The Monk of Peace. She was very kind to me as she taught what it really mint to be a monk. I was very eager student as I wished to learn all that I could of these people and there ways.

     Now after much time, I can say that I am truly home.

  With much love I leave you now.