Berig     Created on Monday, 19 June 2006 19:44  
  My adventures might not be filled with blades and beasts, like those of the warrior, or wizards and fire like those of the mage, but they have their own importance, in the sense that they brought me to where I am today, telling this story. I was born in a small, humble home, just outside the great gates of Kugnae. Born to a wise Mage and a gentle poet, my father trained me in the ways of the mage from a young age, but it never seemed to come naturally to me. After many yuri in training, and the unfortunate passing of my father while training me, I was trained in the arts of healing by my mother. After my mother's death, I continued to live alone in my home. I would gather berries and fruits to eat, occassionally trapping a rabbit to eat. I spent most of my days reading the books my father had collected in his yuri's, learning whatever I could. I had read most of the books several times, when I stumbled across one I hadn't read before, tucked in the back. There was writing under the cover, it had been a gift to my mother, from my father. The book, "The Wandering Monk", seemed interesting, speaking of a group of wise, peaceful poets, residing in Kugnae. Curious, I read the pages over, many times, reading of stories telling great wisdom. The book enthralled me, I was completely absorbed. I decided that perhaps it was time for me to leave for the city, perhaps to the library, to learn more. I collected my spear to lean on, my robes and the book and headed for the gates, which I had never passed through before. I found the library, and began to learn more about the Monks. Entrigued, I sought out Maya, who I learned might teach me the ways of the Monk, and give me a family when mine was gone. I suppose that sums up my journey to here, today. I've learned much in my adventures, but nothing more important than learning to love a new family. .:Mindless Can-Nuk:.