Berig     Created on Sunday, 07 August 2005 15:13  
Full Name: Metro Ted Myoshi
Parents: xDolphyx, James
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Blackish Brown
Birthplace: Haggard Mate Tavern
Birth Season: Spring

During a late fall evening my father James and xDolphyx grew in love. They met wondering off and began to realize the compatibility. I was born a Yuri later, at the Haggard Mate Tavern near the coast of Hausson.

Growing up was a challenge, I began training daily, gaining insight. I grew to the insight of 85 and became part of the Glory Carnage. Spending time here for 4 Yuri’s I gained friends. Norkle the Monk was, an inspiration and a idol.

As time passed, I grew in search of home for a path. My father a Ranger, my Mother a Diviner I knew that being either a Druid or Monk was part of my blood. This decision would be one that affected me for the rest of my life.

The carnages had continued, and I grew very fond of them. Soon later I experienced a enlightening during carnage, my friend Norkle, was surrounded by a few fighters. As this continued Norkle began to struggle. Next, to amazement, I saw another Monk Webbster aid him in battle. I had spoken with these two following the carnage and every time we spoke it began to tilt my decision towards Monk.

One sunny day, James decided to bring me onto a Foraging trip with him. This was a blast. I met some respectable rangers, such as TinaDragon. I looked up at my father and told how I loved to experience nature.

On our way back I had walk by a fellow Monk, and participated in a Hai~ku poem contest. Turning out I was never good at poetry, and lost miserably. I didn’t even follow the correct format. She then explained to me what I did wrong and I grew fond of her. Later on I found out she was in fact a Monk teacher.

I was walked home Yuri 62 Summer, by Bunnykins. Training under Bunnykins for 2 Yuri’s she had taken a break from the kingdoms. I then began training under dee.