Berig     Created on Monday, 06 February 2006 22:21  
  My first real memory in life is of a bright doorway with three figures standing in it. One figure was that of Jadespeare, the other two were my estranged parents. The memory ends with a woman crying, someone shaking Jadespeare's hand and everyone but Jade and I leaving.

This memory is the only thing that I can remember about my "parents." For some reason that was never told me to, they were forced to leave my under the care of their great friend Jadespeare and go off to other kingdoms. As I was growing up, Jadespeare trained me in the ways of the lands and made sure that I was prepared for what was ahead. He nurtured me and watched me grow from a small child to a teenager eager to learn and explore. I can remember very vividly the day that Jadespeare sat me down and told me that I was ready to begin following a specified path. I walked into his hut and saw four objects laying on the floor. The first was a heavy iron sword with a stout handle and a certain glow. The one sitting next to it was a small blade that seemed to slice the air that it sat in. Next to the two weapons were two books filled with spells and their intent. I flipped through the first book to see spells that were used to affect creatures and also to help harm them. The next book was filled with spells of healing, protection, and, to me, of hope. Without even picking up the two weapons, which I figured I would cut myself with, I nodded to Jadespeare and picked up the book of healing spells. He suspected that I would do such, and showed me the way to the poet's hall. That is how I began to walk the path of a healer. Although this brought me happiness, I could feel that there was still something missing from my life. I searched in caves, woodlands, and even in others for the answer. I finally found hope when I heard that I could join a group of people called monks. I asked around for information and found myself reading a scroll filled with teachings and insights. I can't remember how long I sat reading, but I knew from that point that I needed the training of the monks in my life. After that, I wrote a letter to the beautiful Maya in hopes that she would accept me for training. She did, and I am still thankful for the decision that she made.

-Kestal Dagat