Berig     Created on Saturday, 24 September 2005 21:32  
Full Name: Isaiah
Gender: Male
Age: 20 Yuris
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black
Birthplace: Buya
Birth Season: Spring

I was born on a sunny spring day when the air was crisp from being it had rained in Buya the day before.  My parents were both of Buyan decent and I followed in their footsteps by joining the Phoenix Clan of Buya.  Joining the clan at a young age, I knew many people within the kingdom and met many others through different relationships of this lovely clan.  Not being an avid hunter, it took quite sometime for my body to be as strong as my mind had become.  I take great enjoyment in reading various scrolls, and my mind seemed to grow faster than my body could keep up. ~Grins~ 

I had taken a liking to the wilderness and met a few people there who taught me the ways of the Druid.  From that experience, I learned how to connect in a way to nature that I never would have imagined if I had not went through the training.  I stayed within that circle for quite sometime, but then departed soon after when I realized that my heart told me something was missing in my life.  I left the circle bidding farewell to my friends and I kept in touch with most of them after departing.  For quite a few yuris I wandered through Buya not knowing where it was that I belonged.  I focused most of my time on the clan and did not worry about what path I followed because I was still not sure which one was right for me.

Seasons passed, and my body expanded and caught up with my mind and I felt I was "grown up."  It was then that I met a nice woman named SpiritOfWind.  She was quite friendly and told me about the Monk path, it interested me very much.  She referred me to her friend named Sinchan, who just became the elder of the path.  Sinchan and I trained for quite sometime and I learned so many new things from her teachings.  I worked and studied with her for quite sometime before I was brought into the circle.  It was the proudest day of my life, and I did feel at home with all the others.

A few yuris after being with the path, I applied for the job of Poet tutor in my home nation of Buya.  Through many different eliminations, I was granted my powers my god Cerulean and I started my work as a teacher for young poets in the Buyan nation.  I enjoyed my work very much and continued to teach students and host classes for quite some time.  This leaves me where I am today, still a teacher, and still a student of the Monk path.