Hitaru     Created on Thursday, 09 August 2007 17:30  
  Full Name: Hitaru Saiko
Gender: Male
Age: I was born in Yuri 78
Eyes: wide eye with dark coloured pupil
Hair: Fire swept style with black colour
Birthplace: Outskirt of Buya
Birth Season: Fall

  When I was born, King Yuri already ruled the country  for 76 Years. I was the only child in the family. I lived with my mother who was a poet in the outskirts of Buya. We doesn't have a father in the house and thats how she inspires me to be a poet myself. I never asked who and where my father is as she never talk or discuss about it and I think she have her reasons. We live a simple and normal life. After I turned fourteen, I started to gather some wools in the wilderness to sell it to a Market in Kugnae to lighten my mother's burden.

   Like any other day, i leave the house after breakfast to search for firewood in the forest. Somehow, I never complain about my work. I enjoy it as much as I spent my time gathering the woods. The atmosphere in the Wilderness always give me a comfortable feeling and there is a waterfall where i usually take a break during noon to bath and rejuvenate myself. After I put on my clothes and pick up my woods, I started to walk for home until something catches my eye. There was someone that seems to be lost his way and it was quite a late afternoon to wonder around in the wilderness.

   At first I asked him what bring him to the wilderness and he said that he need to get to a temple in the other village that was nearby my village. It was too late for him to continue his journey so I offered him to stay in my house till the next morning. When we are on our way to my house he introduced himself as a monk and he lost his way because not familiar with the way to get to the next village.

  After we have done with our dinner we sat and have a good talk. He explain to me that we as a monk need to help the weak and those in need. He also shared with me some of Monks story. I feel like a calling to join the monks.

  The next morning I showed him the way to the other village as we are on the way to the village I asked him about joining the Monks. He said to me "Son, as a Monk you must be humble and have peace in your heart. You need to understand the reason for you to choose the correct path." He then vanishes between the crowds and I never forget what he said.

  I have been trying to understand what he meant but I guess I cannot understand it alone.