Berig     Created on Sunday, 07 August 2005 21:33  
  Full Name: Hazy
Gender: Male
Age: Exactly 20 Years
Eyes: Grey
Hair: Grey
Birthplace: Kugnae
Birth Season: Winter

A child in a long family of Warriors in Kugnae, I stood out very much. With an affinity for more healing the wounds of others rather than taking the life of some did not sit very well, but I was determined to not let it affect me. It soon grew to become a burden, what with all the neglect and blatant disregard for my gift of healing, so I moved away from my family, to begin a new life in Buya. I poked around here and there, taking my chances in some of the dusty caves of the lands, armed with what I called a spear, which was really nothing more than a flimsy walking stick. I spent much time in the palace, reading everything I could find. The Chronicles of the Winds really interested me, and I enjoyed watching the stronger, older citizens of these lands walking in and out, leaving their scribbled parchments tacked to the board. The older I got, the wiser I got, and the further I ventured. I got stronger, and learned more of the ways of the Poet as observed in battle. I quietly observed stronger Poets defeat hordes of monsters with spells that I didn't know existed, even from a Mage. I became quick to draw my weapon and spell book, but over time, saw too many close friends perish in the depths of the Mythic caves. I vowed to never hunt for sport, and to live my life devoted more to helping those in need of it. I spent more time again in the palace, and saw a few people clad in simple robes coming in to read, and though they seemed just simple citizens, they carried with them the aura of mighty wisdom and knowledge. I was interested, and would often follow them and observe them, and read what they wrote. I discovered that they were called Monks. I found through speaking with a few of them that the qualities they possessed correlated highly with what I had, and still desired to have. I was intrigued by their sense of inner peace and serenity, and the path of balance they followed. I spoke with more and more of them, and eventually decided to live my life with the family of the monks, to better myself as well as better the Earth around me in any way that I could. If that were all that I longed to do, I would not be a Monk, but the fact that every day that goes by I learn more reasons to stay and more ways that my knowledge can aid others, makes me realize that I am a true Monk, and that it is the only path I have known or ever wish to know again.