Francoise     Created on Thursday, 25 October 2007 01:40  
  Full Name: Francoise Gosselin
Gender:  Female
Age: 15
Eyes:  Gray-Blue
Hair: Lilac
Birthplace: Kaya
Birth Season: Spring

I was born in the early morning to a Kayan fisherman and his wife, the spring breeze rustling through the trees of our village.  My childhood was quiet and without event.  Through my mother I was taught to be kind and care for others, and through my father I was taught to be resourceful and grateful for all that I had.
As I passed the age of ten I began to feel the urges I could not deny.  As each Spring came, I would find myself in the same place: sitting in the branches of the tallest trees along the coast and listening to the spring sea breezes whispering to me through the rustling of the young leaves and grasses.  They were calling me to travel to lands unknown.

On the morning of my thirteenth birthday the spring breeze was blowing once again, and I rose and gathered my few belongings in a cloth satchel.  I bid my parents farewell much to my mother's discontent, and headed north.  I wasn't sure what I was looking for, only that I was in need of *something* to calm my searching soul.

I saw many things in my travels north and met many people from all parts and minds, yet it was in Koguryo that I met him.  I eyed him from around a stone gate, standing underneath the branches of a large tree.  The breeze blew through his hair which was kept under a unique sort of hat made of straw.  He was fascinating.

I approached the man and he gave me a very kind smile.  We introduced ourselves, and I began to inquire about his intensely serene and composed nature.

"Sir, can you please tell me how you have attained such an air of serenity and composure in yourself?  I could sense it as soon as my eyes met you."  I explained, "I have traveled far across these lands in search of something to make me whole, yet I have found no answers."

"Ahh," he replied with a grin, "Let me tell you about my path."

We continued to talk into late in the evening.  As the sun was setting I had listened intently as the man who called himself a monk had explained of his strives to reach enlightenment as well as the ideals and beliefs of those who walked his path.  After hearing of my struggle, the monk graciously offered to take me under his teaching and I followed him loyally as he guided me along the path I follow today.  Though there is still much on my future path which I must learn, with each step I take under the teachings and guidance of my fellow monks I feel as though I am becoming closer and closer to reaching my own enlightenment.