Euros     Created on Friday, 18 September 2009 17:53  
  Full name: Euros
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Hair: Black
Birth place: Buya
Birth season: Winter

Hi im Euros.  I was born in the city of Buya, near the nothern gates. My lifestyle wasnt well as I was brought upon. I had a mother and father that cared about me alot, but had to accomplish things on my own..but they were always there for me. As I continued to grow through the adolesnce stage, I began picking up on things faster then ever, being interested in Meditation. As I kept reading on what path I could follow, my mind started to struggle, as this was a hard decision to make, that day I went home and read up on the Monks. Monks hold inner peace and Meditate when going through hard I thought this would be the best path for me to follow. 

After a couple hyuls my mother passed away, with my father following her death. So I needed something to ease my mind. I didnt know what it was until I ran into an old friend name Adesdel, he brightend my day a whole lot. We got to talking about what we did as kids and what has been going on with our life. I mentioned to him that I was attending classes at the Bodhi Sanctum. He was astonished when he heard that, so we both got to talking about what he has been up to. He was currently training for Do and how he was happy to be with his family. Later that day we both blood brothered because we were such close friends in the past.

The next day I attended my last day of class with Sensei Maya, to finish up the classes I had left. I entered the Circle filled with Monks and they all say "Hello!" and "Welcome!." They really made me feel at home, so I un-packed my bags and we all started to chat.