Berig     Created on Wednesday, 16 March 2005 19:09  
  Hello. Do you know me? Perhaps so, perhaps not. Please allow me to introduce myself. I am DragonsTeeth. Pecular name, is it not? Though, in these times, many things are strange, perhaps I'm not the only one. You came here for a reason, did you not? Or else you would not be here. You came to hear the story that made me,... me. I must warn you, though I am a Monk, this may not sound like a Monk speaking. For life events unfold unexpectedly, and not always do time and circumstances allow for belief. My story begins in Buya, the date is the Spring of Yuri 69....

*What a headache. Where am I* I awoke on the grass of a nice field. "Dear God!" I ran swiftly to a nearby bush dropping what was in my hand, "I'm buck naked!"... Awkward way to start a life, no? To make a -very- long story short, I eventually got clothed. Of course I wondered, why was I in that field?... Why couldn't I remember anything before that time? I returned to the field hopeing to find some answers and snatched up what I had dropped. It was a tooth, about the size of my thumb. This didn't answer any questions. It only made more. Why did I have this item? It certainly seemed like an odd item to have with you... naked... alone... in a field. But what item wouldn't? I decided to just continue on. So, I threaded a piece of string through the trinket and hung it around my neck.

Like all young aislings, I decided to try and make a name for myself. This of course was a little hard since I didn't know what it was. So, I took the name of the only thing I had on me, Tooth. As I explored the lands, I began to learn, to meet new people, encounter new enemies, and read nearly anything I could get my hands on. After reading a powerful story on the Buddha, something was stirred in me. I started to seek Monkhood. Life continued as it seemed it did for so many before me, but I always felt like I was in a dream. Have you ever had Deja vu? It was like that, only all the time.

One day I was heading to the Poet guild to sharpen my skills when a man in scraggly clothes approached me. He said, "I can read your future for only a few coins, young one."

"Old man, I don't believe our futures can be determined. And even if they could, I wouldn't want to know."

"Ah,... well then," he grabs my wrist and pulls my hand near his face (surprisingly strong for his size). "Perhaps the past is what you seek." By this time in my life, I had begun to forget the odd awakening I had. Something, I can honestly say now, I will never do again. Before I had a chance to answer him, he scratches out, "See this line, Son?" as he draws his boney finger down my palm.

"This is the life line. Yours appears and disappears. Your life has changed a few times."

"Changed? What do you mean 'Changed'?"

"You have not always been human. I see, earth and grass all around you. I see farther back, you were strong and seeking Monk as I see you do now. You were powerful, but pride cut you down before your time. And here...Fire." He stopped. "I must see your future."

I tried to pull my hand away, "I told you, old man, I don't want to know."

"But I MUST," he clenches his teeth hard and nearly rips my arm off pulling it back into position.

My trinket slips out from under my tunic and swings into place on the outside. "What is that?" He drops my hand and swiftly grabs the tooth still hanging around my neck. "Of course. It makes sense. "Son,... you are special. I cannot tell you your future. You must discover it. I tell you this though, learn of the Dragon Warriors of legend. Learn... of the Dragons Teeth." And as quickly as he came, he was gone.

Though that was disturbing, I wasn't really sure what to make of it. I continued on the road, and to the rest of my day. As time went by, I was eventually accepted by the Monk order. This group saw me as a new, but open member of their family. I finally felt at home, but strangly uncomplete.

A few weeks later, I traveled to the library to follow the advice of a fellow monk to read the stories of other aislings and learn from them. Three hours I spent pouring through anecdotes and stories. Some seeming almost like fiction. As I slid the last book back into the shelf, I heard a clattering from the other side of the shelf. I walked around and noticed that I had inadvertantly knocked a group of scrolls down. Placing them back from where I assume thay dropped from, one caught my eye. Purple letters one the scroll spelled out, "Dragon Transformations". "Dragons?" I said to myself ... This coincidence of the old man and this scroll seemed curious. Just enough so to urge me to unravel the scroll.

~~~~~~~Encounters and testimonies of Dragon transformers~~~~~~~

~Yuri 13, Fall~

~A new phenomonon has occurred, a human has transformed into a Dragon. Though transformations are becoming more and more common as powers develope in these times, no one had achieved a transformation into a feared dragon until now. Unfortunately, the caster was unable to control himself and a heinous murder occured during the time of the transformation. The authorities placed the caster into prison, but due to the unblemished record of the caster and the horrid things that the deceased did in the past, the judges are leaning towards a lighter sentence.~

~When questioned what happened, the caster said this, "I swear I didn't cast any transformation spell! I can't even remember what happened! This guy came rushing at me and... I can't remember. I woke up and all these people were around me saying I killed this guy AS A DRAGON!" The judges suspect that the deceased was planning on robbing the caster, but when checked, the only thing reported missing was a small tooth-shaped object.~

I read the scroll for what seemed hours. All the reports seemed to sound the same: a dead person with criminal or dark tendencies, a law-abiding person transforming into a dragon, and a missing tooth trinket. I began to finish the document.

~Yuri 37, Summer~

~It has been some time since an of these occurances have been seen. The general public has begun to mythify these stories. Also, due to the rapid endangerment of the Dragon Nobles, Chung Ryong being the only left, this aspect has also been added. The story is passed as follows:~

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The Legend of the Dragons Teeth~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~Back in the time of King Yuri, Noble Dragons were abundant. Whenever one of these dragons was slain maliciously, its teeth would spread the four corners of the Earth. From these teeth, Four Warriors would arise to avenge the fallen Noble One. The only thing these warriors possess is a single tooth, from which they were spawned. Though they not recall their destiny or purpose, it is said... When the warrior meets the creature whom slew The Noble One, the tooth would enter the warrior and release the memories and form of the Noble One, allowing the warrior to seek the vengence.~

I nearly fell out of my chair in shock. "This is ME!" I pulled out the tooth hanging round my neck and looked down at it. "You are what I am. This is what I am... Since it it from the teeth of a dragon I was made.... I shall forever be known as DragonsTeeth~!"

Since that time, I have had many revelations. I know my life, or lives rather. And after hearing this, I'm sure you know why. I encountered the Evil one. And, yes, as the story told, I do not remember the actual DEATH of that one. But I can relay the events surrounding it.

While searching for ambrosias, my party and I encountered humanoin rats. We manageed to retrieve a few before... this went wrong. Though a master of magiks was with us, she seemed new to her powers and too many beings kept moving. I tried my best to keep those around me in repair. But their wounds became too great, and my mind grew weary. The rogue fell, "No!" I shouted in pain. "I'll help you..."

"Ah.... " the second fighter fell to the ground, a knife lay in her back.

"I can save you! Mage... please hold them while I cast this complex spell." Though I had no time to begin. One of the human-like beings rushed at me.... I felt a pain in my chest, and grabbed for the pain as so many do. I could not understand, he had not even touched me yet. I could not feel the tooth next to my flesh anymore. Memories of this figure, and my previous human life came flooding back. I collapsed to my hands and knees. My fingernails grew long, and my face felt like someone was pressing their hands on each side of my head. My throat burned..... black.

I awoke, a charred body lay before me. My allies had been revived, and were standing around me. I had gaping wounds in my right arm and chest. My friends lifted me up and the mage gated us out of there.

Well, that is my story, I sure hope you enjoyed it. If you wish to tell others about my story, feel free. Perhaps someone else out there might have the same purpose. Even though I hope the cycle of destruction has ended with me.