Divo     Created on Tuesday, 17 June 2008 02:03  
  My name is Divo DeVyne Seong, and I am writing to you from the broom closet in my wicked sister's laboratory.  I spend most of my time here under lock and key except for when i am sent out to forage for alchemical reagents, check out a book, or buy something from the baegi shop.  On my short contacts with the out world I have come into close contacts with members of the humble path who have been so gracious in helping me.

You see I was orphaned just after I was born in Masan, my parents died from circumstances that my sisters will not share with me because they say I am too young.  I may be young, but I still need to feel a connection past the bucket behind the purple topped mop in this closet.  Needless to say after I was born I was raised by my two sisters who each walked a different path.

One was a dark shaman who turned to the art of spirits to cope with the loss of our parents, she never cared to nurture me.  The other was my sister the Divine Prophet who was so loft in her research and visions I was always left to fend for myself.  I once snuck into my sisters library and grabbed enough materials to learn how to read and write very plainly.  I also managed to discover a short manuscript on the life of a wandering monk, and the teachings of the eight-fold path.

I admit it was first for pleasure only, because I always tried to live an opulent life even though I had next to nothing.   always envied the lives of my famous and powerful sisters.  It was only when I really started to focus on this manuscript that I realized my envy and attachment to material things was was the root of my unhappiness.

 I realized I must learn to live with my past and escape the prison I have lived in all my life and to this day I seek refuge in the sanctuary of our circle. I am dedicated to a life of service and peace with a little flair from my humble start in a broom closet.