Berig     Created on Monday, 13 June 2005 22:21  
  Full name: Devion Tuathal (TOO uh hul)
Gender: Male
Age: 35
Eyes: Green
Hair: A little left
Birthplace: Han
Birth season: Fall

Hello my name is Devion Tuathal; I was born to a widowed mother in a Sonhi refugee camp. I traveled much of my childhood in search of somewhere I belonged and something I could believe in.

I found myself face to face with the answer many years later when I talked with an insightful and intelligent lady. Her name was Greta, and she was inspiring. I took it upon myself to find more about these ‘Monks’ and learn all I could before approaching them. I studied night and day about Buddhism and its teachings. Then I approached a Guide, his name was AllPower, and in a few conversations knew how long I had studied before contacting him.. In a matter of weeks I was within the Monks path as a small scared Monk.

I found many friends there, and many scholars, one of note, Desvet, taught me much of what understanding I have and always pushed me to look deeper than simply the texts of a subject.
After many moons of activity within the circle, I was ascended to guide, Yuri 29 I want to say, it was a joy to be given a chance to give more back to the path that helped define me.
After a few months of doing my best as a guide, I was asked a question that changed my life forever. I was asked.. “Would you accept elder if it was offered,” how could I respond? I was still young, by many Monk’s standards, but I was trusted, and I thought I could do good. I took on the mantle of Eldership Yuri 31, until Yuri 42. Those are probably the best Yuri’s of my life, I met my current wife, learned much about politics, management, and how much I could affect people with one wrong word.

Slowly I grew tired and weary from my position, much as the founder Greta had, and I handed it to Janken, a promising Monk, and great Guide. His own story is for him to write.
A few Yuri later I became a walker again; I stepped back away from the path, and looked within myself to try to find my own inner peace. I followed my heart out and back into the path, and truly believe I know where I belong in this great path.
Now a new chapter opens in my life, again I find myself being blessed with the responsibilities of Guideship. I can only imagine what the end of this road has in store for me..