Cyanide     Created on Saturday, 03 February 2007 00:57  
    I was born in a small village, not far from Nagnang. I was young when I left, and ventured to the inner cities. I enjoyed my time there, and I experienced many new things.

 Not all good.

 I suppose some would say that cities can possess much sin. I was young, vulnerable, I did indulge. I had been offered many types of liquor and herb pipes, all which I enjoyed greatly.. It wasn't long before I became dependant on them. I had grown an addiction, I couldn't go an hour without drinking some moon wine or puffing away on a pipe. I even went as far as to venture to barbarian cave and bargin with them for their sonhi pipes, which are much more strong then the herb pipes.

 Slowly, my addictions began to cause suffering in my life. I began to have no money for food or clothing because I wasted them all on my pipes and wine. I couldn't stay anywhere because I couldn't pay a rent. Even the inns booted me out! It was a hard time.

 In my haze, I had ventured to the library. There, I found a scroll labeled the wandering monk. It's teachings were so profound, everything came to me naturally. I began to realize all my mistakes, and that's when I knew I was destined to shake off my cravings, end my suffering, and walk the path of a monk.

 ~ Cyanide