Berig     Created on Saturday, 13 August 2005 16:45  
Full Name: Cleric
Gender: Female 
Age: 18 
Eyes: Blue 
Hair: Blonde 
Birthplace: A small monastery in the Kingdom of Koguryo outside the city proper. 
Birth Season: Spring

My name is Cleric and I am a young healer of the Bear Clan of Kugnae.  I am writing this scroll for you so that you might understand a little bit more about me.  Hopefully this understanding will foster a friendship through which we can both learn a bit more about each other, ourselves, and life in general.

I was born on a large farm in the countryside to a kind baker.  Unfortunately my mother died during childbirth and I was left alone in this large strange world.  Unable, or unwilling, to care for me I was sent to be raised in a small monastery near Kugnae. 

The Monks were wonderful and took excellent care of me.  They raised me as a member of their large extended family with kindness and attention.  They taught me much of their ways and nurtured in me a love of both life and knowledge.  I studied a good deal and worked in the monastery helping out where I was able until I reached the age of 16. 

At this age I felt I had learned all I could from this kind family.  I felt like I had much more to offer the world then remaining locked away within the monastery and I yearned to go forth and aid the citizens of Kugnae and explore more of the world.  And so I went forth, keeping to the ideals and beliefs I had learned, but yearning for more.

My travels were many and varied, I learned a great deal and helped many people.  I became quite a talented healer in my own right and began to Worship the great Turtle God, Hyun Moo.  Though I chose to give my devotion to Hyun Moo I never strayed from my core beliefs and found a wonderful merging of ideas and philosophies which have molded the woman I have grown into today.

However now, at the age of 18, I yearn to delve further into the studies I began so long ago.  At the same time, however, I feel it is my responsibility to stay here in Kugnae and continue my work in helping it's citizens from the many dangers around us and aid the Bear Clan in it's continuing work within the kingdom. 

Thus I feel my path does not lie back in the monastery where I was raised but here where I feel that I belong.  While working here in Kugnae I have met many Monks and undertaken many vast and diverse conversations with them.  I have learned that much of what I was taught is what they too hold true.  And some things are not.  I have realized that I still have so very much to learn about both the world and myself.  And most of all I have learned that my studies in the Palace Library alone simply are no longer adequate to assist my journey towards enlightenment and the alleviation of suffering. 

And so I have come to you in the hopes that we might, together, grow and learn from each other.  That you might teach me what I am not able to learn in solitude.  And that you might introduce me to others whom which I can help and be helped by.  People that I might share the wisdom I have learned and from whom I may listen and learn things which I have not yet experienced.  I seek out a family once again and kindred spirits with which to continue my journey.  It is my belief that the Monks of this Kingdom are that family to which I have always belonged in spirit. 

I hope that this tale has proven interesting and enlightening in some small way and I look forward to speaking with you and others in the future should you feel I have some potential to walk the path of the Monk towards peace and enlightenment.  I thank you for your time reading this scroll and I wish you well.

Very truly yours,

Humble Healer of the Bear clan of Kugnae
Citizen of the Kingdom of the Winds