Berig     Created on Friday, 01 July 2005 22:51  
Full Name: astonish Nikkou
Gender: female
Age: 22
Eyes: green
Hair: blonde
Birthplace: Shilla
Birth season: spring

     I was born in the nation of Shilla, in a small country town of no more than thirty people. I remained there for all of my adolescent years; and just like any other youth, I had unrealistic aspirations and goals to achieve. My parents were hard working peasants, and that is all they expected me to become but hoped for something more. 

     After I became eighteen, I decided that I needed to leave my home in order to do more with my life. I was naive and didn't think it would be a difficult journey; I was extremely wrong. From Shilla, I departed for Buya. There were always stories being told about this beautiful city and how noble people lived there; I wanted to be a part of it. So I left home by horse no more than a month later. I don't exactly recall when I arrived in Buya, by that time I was exhausted and starved (I never had to gather my own food, that was the males' job in my town), and I was too busy trying to find my "path". 

      After several months of struggling to survive I wanted to quit and go home, but I was stubborn and didn't want to give my family the satisfaction for being right, so I stayed in Buya wandering around for a life. Then one day, I wandered out of Buya and into Vale and up Scribe's Mountain (I heard people talking about a, "crazy alchemist that lives on that huge mountain." I wanted to see if he would accept me as an apprentice.) On my accent, I saw an older woman sitting with her legs crosses and chanting a phrase over and over again. She heard me passing and stopped what she was doing and said:

 "Hello Miss, what may I ask are you doing all the way up here?"

"Oh, I was actually going to find the alchemist on top of this mountain, I need to ask him if he'll let me be his apprentice"

     Then I started from the beginning and how I got to this point. Then the woman took off her straw hat to get a better look at me and he said, "Sit down Miss. No need to be hurryn' around for. Here you can recite this with me as well, 'the jewel in the lotus.'" 

      I sat down next to her and said it over and over again. About ten minutes later I began to think about what it was that I was saying. It was beautiful. I asked this woman if she would teach me more, and dee did. I then moved to Kugnae to be closer to my Monk home, and I joined the Bear clan. As for the future, it is what I make of it...