AerynSun     Created on Sunday, 26 August 2007 18:25  
  Full Name: AerynSun Singosari
Gender:  Female
Age: 20
Eyes:  Dark Blue
Hair: Firey Blonde
Birthplace: Han
Birth Season: Winter

I am just starting out my life as an adult, so there is nothing but possibilities ahead for me.  I read in Ironheart's class that you do not find yourself, but you spend your life creating who you are.  I feel that each of us are formed by so many factors:  our family, friends, environment, good fortune and what we put into ourselves.  I was raised by two very loving and dedicated parents, Vernon and Maya.  I know I may be the exception to the rule, but I really am glad that they are mine.  I love spending time with my family and my extended family at SunMoon.  I have so many friends that have always been there for me.  I realize how much a person can accomplish with the help of others.  I want to keep that close to my heart and let that help guide me in the future.  Personally, I am a quiet soul.  I mind my own business, work hard, and try to save some for a raining day.  I appreciate the little things in life.  I love the outdoors, gardening, and the rain.  I enjoy listening to stories, and cooking.  My Mom and Dad sent me away to train in Hausson so I could learn everything I could about the healing arts, cooking and general education.  I  enjoyed travelling and learning about the ways and values of others.  I love to learn, and hope that I will never disappoint you with my words, or actions.  I hope this helps you understand me a little better.  I feel very fortunate to have you as my guide.
At long last, you surprised me by telling me that my training was complete and to follow you to a secret place in Koguryo.  My  heart beating fast and my senses more alert than ever before, I walked into a beautiful secret garden.  Everything was more beautiful than I ever imagioned with the pond lined with pink lotuses, and butterflies dancing in the air.  I breated in the fresh air and knew I was home.

