RehKan     Created on Saturday, 18 August 2007 20:38  

Full Name: Reh'Kan Griosagh
Gender:  Male
Age: 21
Eyes:  Flame-tinged Brown
Hair: Black
Birthplace: In the fires of the Buyan Smith
Birth Season: Winter

      I am a man of Fire. Revealed to be aligned with it by the Druids (given the name Griosagh, meaning Stimulating ember, from them), revealed that it will burn me alive by the Diviniers, and contained by my love. When I was born, I was born into a fire. The fire swept over me, embraced me, and become one with me. From that day on I was everything fire is and everything that shows it. I grew up by the Buyan Smith as an orphan, pledged myself to the god Ju Jak, and took up the path of the Mage. Several hyul's I have walked on this earth. Each step in the water steaming. Each step through the fire embracing. Each step in the woods flaming. Each step on the metal melting. Each step along the earth balanced. I grew up quickly, taking the leadership abilities of Fire at heart. I met a few friends and eventually join a small ring that became my family. I loved the family, grew with it, looking forward to the time when we become clan. Quickly I accelerated up the council positions in the family. First I was the Militia Head, but as I became engrossed in the teachings of the Geomancers I became the Judicial Head. But more was planned for me. I became the only person to host hunt parties. I wanted my family to smile. I wanted my family to be happy. I took them to the Mythic caves on grand hunts for the animals there. Soon I earned myself the title of Head Hunt Host. But this was not all that was planned for me. I lead the people in my family. I helped them. I taught them. It was at this time I became the Mage Path Leader and met a special someone. During my time in Rotah, I watch as a beauty walked across the grass in front of me. Little did I know that I was destined to hold this woman's fiery passionate soul in marriage. We would help each other, the whole family and myself and my wife, Latigre. At this time I passed my tests and became a Geomancer. Quickly I accelerated in the Path of Balance. Hosting literally hundreds of events just to see people smile. At the time I proved myself worth of being marked Keeper of Balance I have already earned my Ceremonial Fire, which to this day keeps me embraced in my sleep, Spirit Drum, Totem Spirit Revealed, Proven to be a Good Friend, Skilled smelter, Adept smith, Winner of a Merchant event, experienced the I-Ching twice, and the first person to become a Apprentice in a Geomancer Sect. At this time my wife and I decided to have a child. We adopted a daughter named Cocoabean, who we love to this day. We not only gained a daughter, but also a granddaughter named Saionara. On her wedding day I gave her away to Smeagle, her husband and my son-in-law. I became brothers with Mythicknight and Blacklobo; sisters with Zanna and Blktigress. Everywhere I went I wanted everyone to smile. I became the first person to be in two Sects of the Geomancers. I became the first LaoShi out of all of the walkers in the Geomancers. After being marked Keeper of Balance I have found Serenity in the Tao, Scouted with the Rangers twice, and marked as a Trustworthy Trader. I was named in the Geomancers as a Guide Assistant and the Keeper of Ba Guas. I perform all these tasks while keeping in mind my duties as a Mage Path Leader, and loving my family the whole time. Showering them with gifts, yet teaching them how to fend for themselves. I am know a proud father, grandfather, Tiaoli martial artist, and I am now a person who has helped over 30 people experience the Ba Gua. My ceremonies of the Ba Gua have reached far and wide and I have helped many people with their problems by showing them a path through a Ba Gua experience. I show them the path, but it is their choice whether or not to walk it. I have accomplished much, but not as much as I would  like. I have written and completed the requirements to become  the first Follower in a Sect of the Geomancers. I wish in the  future to become a Tiaoli Sage, the final step before Master. I  wish to become a guide in the Geomancers, to help people and to  make them smile. I wish to see my family reach clan status, and  I work hard on getting more people to come into thefamily. I  also wish to see my daughter Cocoabean married. It is within  all of this that I feel I experience Righy livelihood.
