LiShen     Created on Thursday, 10 September 2009 16:49  
  -A one parchment long letter is written on simple paper with ink likely purchased from the messanger.  It is nondescript and lays among a stack of other papers.  However, you choose to pick it up and read what it has to say..-


   The story of my life is like an old book.  The letters are often faded. There are tears, and even at times, pages missing entirely, but I will do my best to read it to you.

   I was born in the early days of good Yuri's reign.  I was excited by the mysteries of this Kingdom I was born into.  Full of wonder and a genuine desire to explore, I was content hunting squirrels, learning simple spells, and finding companionship with the few inhabitants of Kugnae.  Somewhere along the way, I think I must have yearned for more.  I saw others bearing mighty relics, like wicked staves and military forks.  I wanted to become something "more" than just a young, wanderlust poet.  Still, my ambitions were pure, I wanted to grow stronger so I could uncover more of the secrets of this enigmatic land and satiate my curiousities.  Then...somewhere along the way, I "fell off".

  The Shattering hit me hard.  I'm sure no more than others, but I was ashamed of how weak I was, how I died again and again to meer crows.  I vowed I would become stronger, but my desires had turned from growth, to slowly darkening ambition...

  As I said, the memories of my life are like an old book, and so years, and years passed.  I grew powerful, wealthy, and even earned the notice of the Princess herself.  Still I was not content, as I had been in my younger days.  I sought to be regarded a Defender of Buya, to wear the strongest armors of this land, and bear the finest luxuries a man could acquire.

  Then everything came crumbling down.  I was removed from the army by a corrupt officer, I lost my title as a Shadow, and my wife, who I loved and trusted, robbed and left me.  I cannot say if it was fate, if I deserved it or if I didn't, but I let my suffering consume me.  I stormed from this kingdom, with nothing left but spite and regret.