Berig     Created on Monday, 28 February 2005 14:15  
  Many Yuri ago there were two young rogues that had descended from a long line of great ancestors that had formed a blood pact. These two rogues were Bravesoul and I. We shared the same blood and grew very close with time. We became like brother and sister, sharing the same thoughts and intuition. At that time, my cousin Denae had been the most important person to me. We shared a blood oath to further prove our bond. We three became inseparable, through the many seasons we share many memories. But one cold Buyan winter, I was to partake on a journey to further find myself, and I left without much notice. When I had returned over 3 Yuri later, what I had found was surely a surprise! Bravesoul had married Denae! It seems that they have always had feelings for each other, but I had been too close with my cousin to let another's feelings in. But in being gone for so long, they grew very fond of each other. Although being married to Bravesoul, She and I still picked things up just where we left off. All of this in turn led to meeting my lovely husband vegetable and having our son Yiro. I am proud to be where I am today, among the best friends anyone could have, my family, the Xue.
