Berig     Created on Tuesday, 22 February 2005 14:23  
  Tao-she patted his mount as he crested the hill. He looked out across the vast plains of Hui. Wisps of mist trailed through the sky, a mystery how they are all formed. Tao-she turned to his companion,

"Listen", he began in a threatening tone, "We need this kinship for the sake of all our brethren. Please don't screw this up,"
Tao-shu rolled his eyes, and shifted his armour. "Don't worry so much... I'm just here to protect you. You know that."
"There..." Tao-she pointed off to the distance. There was a lone rider approaching. "Lets go. The evening wind is already dying down. We won't have all night." The two spurred their mounts into a trot, and headed down the hill to meet the stranger.
Crouched in the grass, Kai studied his targets assembing on the open plain. The mist was gathering. It swirled about, almost menacingly, threatening to bar them all. Kai sighed, wondering if this was such a good idea. There were three now, He couldn't quite make out what they were saying.
"Greetings, from the Kung clan." Tao-she offered.
"Greetings, from Cho." The stranger, a darkly beautiful young woman, countered. "I am Nu-mei. I'm pleased that you were able to meet. Have you any word of the others? You two are the first I've seen this evening."
Kai stood, after deciding it seemed safe enough to approach. He closed the distance swiftly, greeting the trio. "Greetings, I am Kai, from the Sung clan.
They all bowed. Nu-mei spoke, "listen, The bloodbaths must end! My family, as I'm sure all of yours have , have suffered great losses. We are having trouble finding fresh game. My," Nu-mei felt the lump in her throat catch, "my father has become bed-ridden from the last raid, I... fear he will not make it through the next moon."
Tao-shu spoke for the first time, "We too have suffered heavy losses. What is it you prepose to end all this?"
"A pact." Nu-mei stated bluntly. "Listen. we are all brethren. We are all men and women of this land. we share its soil, its skies, and its game. I implore you all, to form with me a blood pact. As brothers, we will end this madness. In peace we can prosper! Certainly we cannot do so in war! Join with me now...." Nu-mei drew a long dagger from beneath her robes. With it she slit the palm of her hand. Wincing in pain, Nu-mei offered up the dagger.
"I will join with you," Kai, of the Sung clan offered. He took up the dagger, looking down upon the beating veins in his hand. He took a deep breath, and drew a thick swath of blood from his own palm. Next was Tao-she, followed by his companion Tao-shu. All together they clasped hands, finalizing the pact, with their blood. "We are now all of the same blood." Nu-mei explained. "Go now, and enlighten your fellows. We all tire of this war.
"Yes," they all chanted.
"We are all now of the same Blood. "Xue."
And from the night forth, thick in the mystical mists on the plains of Hui, a new family was born. Combined there of many bloods, the Xue Family was formed, and with it brought peace and prosperity. And even to this day... The Xue family lives on. Its ideals of peace and companionship still thrive in the hearts of its descendants.

((glossary)) :
Hui->smoke. The mysterious mists often formed nightly on these plains.
Tao-she-> name, meaning the immortal snake
Tao-shu->name, meaning the immortal rat
Kai-> name, meaning vastness, or greatness. Can refer to their destiny, or their personality, or their silence.
Nu-mei-> name, meaning beautiful woman
Xue-> Blood.

**Xue Family Tree:
Tao-she M Tao-wu -- Kai M Nu-Mei
@ @ @ ?
| | | |
Bravesoul M Denae | |
| | Zefalon M Vegetable
Vicious -- RingmasterJ |
| Yiro

**M = Marriage
-- = Blood sibling(s)

When the leader of the tribes came to terms with each other, one older leader called for everyone's attetion.
"I hereby propose we pick a leader, one who can represent us as a family, a family of leaders"
You could hear the masses whispering and looking around.
Tao-wu stand by Tao-she, and so do does Kai M Nu-mei.
Tao-wu, was picked leader, and the people accepted his role as an elder in the family.
This is how, I, Tao-wu have become leader. ((bravesoul))

Xue Values:
Loyalty: We value loyalty because we have nothing in this world but each other. We rely only on ourselves and our brothers and sisters. Therefore we must be loyal to each other.
Compassion: We value compassion for the living things because we see how much grief death brings. This is why we ended the years of bloodshed between our tribes and came together to form a family of heroes.
Discipline: We value discipline of the mind and of the body. Without control over one's mind, there can never be control over one's actions. This is why we value discipline.