Berig     Created on Friday, 14 July 2006 20:41  
  Well way back in the day when me and SubChess Jr used to play in Han every day.  Yeah, those were the days.  So care free and relaxed, no responsibility just get up, eat, play, and go back to bed.  Who can complain about that?  Now, of course we have this hellish lifestyle where you have to fight for your life every day with no rest in between.  You know a life style like that can ruin a man, let alone make him doubt life at times.  Which, is honestly what happened to me a few years ago.  I was in a battle deep in the Vortex when I was over powered by the Crab Duke.  It was a lengthy battle, I put up a fight as much as I could but you can only do so much before all your efforts are knocked down with the slightest effort.  So I lay there on the ground completely defenceless looking at my death straight in the face, I saw my entire existence flash before my eyes, regretfully I had no accomplished nearly as much as I had wished to, but oh well, my tie is my time.

As the crab duke approach me for his last attack, it was about to devour me when all of a sudden it got bombarded by a strong magical force which distracted it from me.  Then out of the corner of my eye I saw SubChess along with a few other members of the Xia-Xiang.  I was saved, it looks like there is still a purpose for me after all, and I suppose the saying is true.  You are responsible for the life you save, which I wouldn't say I depend on SubChess, however we've been like brothers ever since.  We've been through so much together since then, its unbelievable what you have to go through to realize your true purpose in life.  You have to hit rock bottom before you can reach the sky, you know if it wasn't for that remarkable timing and rather fateful scenario I would never have met my brethren.  Well I suppose there is a divine plan for us all, even if it takes awhile to unfold you will sooner or later realize it and if you don't it will just land right in your lap.  So here I am defending the weak and doing what I can to make the world better all because one man and his family came to me in my time of need.  Which is why I'm proud to say I'm a member of the Xia-Xiang, for life, and for death.
