Berig     Created on Saturday, 03 June 2006 21:51  
  As a child I was a bit on the timid side, everyone said I had great strength, mental and physical but you must understand, so much pressure on a young child doesn't encourage him it breaks him. You cannot tell a young boy that his entire family and lively hood will rest on his shoulders one day, a boy is a boy, a young child that just wants to have fun without responsibility. So yes, I ran away I admit it, I could not take the burden any longer I could not accept the fact that everyone's lives there could have been destroyed based on a decision I had made. I just didn't think that was right.

So I traveled the lands in search for quests, and battles to strengthen my own skills, my way. It was actually quite entertaining for awhile I became very powerful at a rather quick pace. However there were things still out there that I had not encountered yet and I would not rest until I encountered them and destroyed them with my own two hands. A few Yuri's later I got a tad bored with my lifestyle, my rut. I was stuck inside a life that I did not want for myself, it was the exact same life that I had left to begin with. Sure I did not have the responsibility that I had initially had, but in essence it was the same. Live by the sword and die fighting. So I decided for a change, I picked up a mages staff from one of my last victims and decided that's how I was going to live my life... By magic. I spent a few Yuri's mastering my magic abilities and to be quite honest with you I excelled faster at that than I had with my blade. So, I was ready to start my adventures again, although it was not long before I had come across a man collapsed outside the tailor in the wilderness whom bared the mark of the Xia-Xiang family just like I do on my left shoulder. He told me his nation was under attack and asked if I could aid him, he somewhat questioned my strength but I assured him I could help even though I was a tad reluctant because of my past. However I decided to aid the wounded man.

We travelled back to the Empire of Han where I destroyed the Dragon forces and reclaimed my thrown. However that was not the only reason... Obviously there was a girl. A girl named Genica. My only regret for leaving this family this... Life... was that I have not yet seen her again. She was part of another family but still part of Han, we met every Friday by the lake while we got water to take back to our sectors. We were just kids then, did not know what our connection was, or what it meant... But we both felt it, well at least I hope we both did, I mean... I did. But when I do finally see her again, she will know that for the past Yuri's of my life since I went on my own, she has been my only thought and that I wish I had not been so stubborn and had come back for her earlier. But I am now here for her and that's all that matters.

So here I stand seeing before me my life, my legacy, my fate... I challenge you to do the same. I know there are some things you ran from in your life. Will you accept the challenge and live up to your fate? Don't be like me... Don't run... It only delays the inevitable...