Berig     Created on Wednesday, 18 October 2006 21:25  
  I was born one stormy night, in cave deep in wilderness. My mother was a Savage woman who always wanted to do everything on her own so she performed the birth on her own as well, without anyone's help, never giving a sound of pain during it. She bit umbilical cord with her teeth like wild animal would do, and wiped blood of me and wrap me into gentle fine rabbit pelts she already had prepared as she was sensing her time is coming. Since then, I was never leaving her side, no matter what she was doing, be that hunting, preying, fighting enemies or training with her brothers and sisters, I was always tied up tight at her back and fully present in her life, experiencing every beat of her heart as it would be my own.  As I was a bit older, she taught me how to survive in wilderness on my own, how to track animals, how to hunt them and rip the hearts of tigers and bears out, how to cut off tiger meat carefully and to take antlers of the wild bucks, and create the weapons and tools from it as well as how to use various weapons to most efficient way. Most of the time we spent alone, travelling trough wilderness but every now and then we also visited the Horde, home of might Barbarians who's member she was as well, yet not quiet that very similar to them... I noticed Barbarians are blunt and like to interact among them selves a lot, my mother was not that way... actually, I could barely remember she was speaking to them or even to me. Due our times alone, we get used to communicate without words, just by moves and even.. we understood each other without talking. But as a child, I was always amazed and happy by these visits to Horde, these very loud young and old people of both genders dazzled me with the power of life bursting all around them, laugh, friendship and brotherhood everywhere. Also, my mother looked differently as any of these people... and I was staring to wonder... who could be my father at all? She didn't show to be involved with anyone anywhere. By taking a look of myself at ice mirror of Lover's lake in North, I could see I have that specific and different look as anyone else, same as my mother's, yet I am also more similar to the people around as she is... so I asked her about it. She smiled at me, with a smile of wise person who was expecting this question for long time to come... and so she told me the story of her origins, MY origins and where we are from... proud ancient race of Uruk-Hais we seems to be only survivors of it though... So I found the new mission in my life, to never let the name of Uruk-Hai vanish. My mother gave it to me along with the blood in my veins and so shall I give it further to my future descendants.

Merskee of Uruk-Hai
*Never Fallen*