Berig     Created on Wednesday, 13 April 2005 19:58  
  I was born up in a small village overlooking the Che Valley. My mother was the healer for the village and at a very young age she would send me out to gather herbs and such for her potions. My father was as simple herdsman, he raised sheep to sell for wool. I had three brothers, Jorde who has passed on, RayRay who journeys far and comes home to visit, and Conro, who makes his living as a Rogue. One day while out I found my way into the valley below us, there I found grand halls, all empty, except for one where I had a feeling someone was there but could only see them out of the corner of my eye. I returned home and mentioned what I found to my parents, they said once many great clans had lived there, but something happened and everyone disapeared. I found myself drawn to this place and after time I could see and hear the spirits there. When it was time for me to leave my home and move to the city, one of these spirits came with me. I learned my trade as a Mage, and married a man who was gathering a clan. I suggested the empty halls in the valley of my home as a place to live and again, found myself back home. My husband had me take his place as Primogen and then I met a woman who changed my life forever, JaydePhoenix. She too could see the spirits around us and asked me to join her in teaching others who also understood the spirits. I spent many yuris studing the ways of a Shaman, eventually, I felt it was time to let another lead Phoenix and I became a true guide of the Shaman. Jayde became ill, nothing we could do would cure her of this illness, she retired and Ballinor became our Elder, but shortly after that he call us all together and much to my surprize granted me that honor. It was during this time I met Devion, he was Elder of the Monks, and I feel deeply in love with him. We were married after a long engagement and as many couple in love, we had a child, a daughter Aramina. She took after me, and became a Shaman, who fell in love and also married. Her children also could speak with the spirits, and their children as well. Like many men, Devion became focused on his work and thus was very surprized to find out I was with child again, he returned from a trip to find our daughter laying in my arms. We named her Tsubaki. Much has happened in my life, so much more than will fit on a simple parchment paper. But this is who I am.