Yujin     Created on Wednesday, 03 April 2013 03:12  

I was wandering the kingdoms aimlessly, with no point or existance. All I did was live my days and sleep my nights with no cause of reason. I would get into trouble because I never had a purpose in doing the right things in life to benefit society. One day, I hung around the northern area of Mythic Nexus, just sitting there and wasting my time, when a young person asked me for blessings upon their armor. No one had ever asked ME to do such a blessing, so I kindly strengthened this person's armor by magic. They thanked me and left to a mythic cave to hunt. The feeling I had gotten by my act of helping felt great. After this, I started to do kind deeds to others in attempt to make the kingdoms happier and a better place. I wished to benefit the world in which we live in.


As my good deeds acumulated, I sort of repented for my bad deeds that I had comitted prior to this. One day, I decided to take a break and nap under a tree in the Wilderness. In my dream, I saw a woman with a masked face saying the word "Trinity." When I woke up and tried to deduce what exactly my dream was about, I drew blanks. I had NO idea what the dream was about, so I simply dismissed it and went along with my day. During that night when I went to sleep, I had that exact same dream. When I woke up, I was mystified because it is not common to have a same dream two nights in a row, so I dismissed it further as just a coincidence. However, the NEXT night, I had the same dream, except this time, the face of the woman was clear.


The face was of a worn-down woman who has suffered through witnessing the evil in this world. She kept uttering the word "Trinity" in my dream and extended her hand in attempt for me to grasp it and follow her. I did so, and we emerged in a place that cannot be physically described. The only way to quantify this area is ... well, by the emotion. I was in a place where I felt joy and happiness with NO trace of sorrow or hatred. All my life's stresses were removed and I was just happy. The lady started speaking again, saying, "You are chosen to be a Trinity. Son of Mother Trinity RebelMagic, brother to Ralphey and AellaX. You must continue to show your kindness that you have shown to the kingdom and forever be a kind soul." At this, I was returned to reality and awakened from my sleep.


I found the word "Trinity" brandished upon my right arm, so I knew that I belonged to the family now. I am Yujin Trinity and my duty to my family encompasses serving the community and heping society in general.

 ~(\) Navy Capt. Yujin Trinity ~