LiShen     Created on Friday, 21 May 2010 02:51  
   So you wish to know about little ol' me do you? Well, you just have a seat and shall tell you a thing or two about when I was young...

 It all began far off the coasts of Kugnae, in a small island village called A'nvil. A'nvil was about one hundred sixty-six and a half days due North-Northeast of Dae shores. During the days of my youth in the village, I was always and still am, more of the quiet and humble type. Most of the other children would always be out and about, playing games, chasing chickens, or wrestling the village's pigs. While me on the other hand, well I was usually raiding our village Elder's library, reading scrolls and recorded texts of our village's history and what was known about the rest of the world. When I say our village, I mean more like family, though we weren't all related through blood, it was as if we were. And although we lived like a family, there are times even family members feud. Because of my lack of interest in doing what all the other kids wanted to do, they would tease me. But it didn't bother me, I knew that one day they would grow up and understand to respect others. Aside from that, when it came down to it, like when herds of wild rats emerged from their burrows, or when wild dogs rushed our sheep, we all stuck together and fought just as one.

 In between my sifting through old documents, and being teased by the other children, I spent most of my time atop a cliff overlooking the ocean. It was my sanctuary. Trees at my back, wind to my sides, and water as far as my eyes could see, it was here I pondered and asked myself questions. Questions I had to find answers for, and so I made a promise to myself that I would answer them before the end of my time. I also promised myself, that I would assist or aid any other living being, human or animal to find any answers or path they sought. Then one day, as I sit by the cliff's edge listening to the waves crash below, I saw something strange in the distance, something I have never seen before in my life. It was big on the horizon between the sky and the ocean, it was growing bigger and bigger and coming closer and closer as time went by. When it came close enough to identify, it was the big black flag that caught my eye. I've read of this before, a skull and crossbones... They were Pirates!

 I fled as fast as I could down the mountain and back to the village to warn the others, everyone was in a panic. All the women and children, including myself, fled to the sacred cavern that we were forbidden to enter by the elder, on the opposite side of our island while all the men, including my father stayed to fight. As we ventured the cavern, there were all kinds of mice and cave rats chasing us around. Eventually we reached an opening which led to rocky ocean shores once again. Upon exiting the cavern, there lay shored one of those big things I had never seen before until that day, my mother called this a "boat". We were instructed to board the boat and wait, and if we heard the village horn, that ment depart and abandon...

 I'm sure you can figure out what became of the ending to that, as I stand before you now far from my homeland telling my story.

 When we hit shore, it wasn't long before me and my mother settled in a small hut in Koguryo. It was there I began under the Tutor Ironheart and learned alot of the new life I had begun. But even before I would finish my tutelage, me and mother would be caught between yet another battle, the Blood war. It was during this war that I would lose mother...  My mother and I were in town visiting the butcher for groceries and just as we were to leave, she was swept up by a band of scraggley, smelly, thugs who carried her off to the north, into the wilderness. It was at that moment, I made yet another promise to myself... That I would find my mother.

 As young as I was I joined in the fight alongside Kugnae, and ventured into the wilderness, alone. For days I searched for even a clue without result, until one night I discovered a small camp. I could hear shouting and yelling, and I could see smoke filling the air around. I could smell a fire from their direction as I approached. When I got in for a closer look I could see that they were the very same crowd from days before, but they had someone else with them, tied up.. It was mother!

 I jumped out of the bushes and charged the band of thugs, and suprised they were. But before I could reach them, the most bloodcurdling and chilling howl came from what sounded like all around us. We all stopped at that moment with our eyes big with fright, and then there was silence. Thinking the Beast that howled moved on, the thugs began to come charge me! Before they would could reach me, out of nowhere a strange figure dressed in animal hide wielding an axe emerged from the woods and began tearing the crowd of thugs down, two, three, sometimes even four at a time. Every now and again letting out a higher toned "SAAAaaaaaaAAA", "K'YA", "Rrah!"! I watched as this figure fought with great might, and no mercy. I noticed it was a woman, but this was no ordinary woman indeed, not one that I'm used to anyway. She was a Barbarian.

 After the gory mess, there was but one thug left who hid behind my mother wielding a Rusty shortsword placed to her neck. He stood there behind mother, locking eyes with the barbarian. You could feel this woman's anger and rage erupting more and more, deeper and deeper as aethers burned away. The thug, or should I say, the Coward, knowing his life either way would come to an ultimate end, pulled his blade back swiftly, and mother fell. But before she would hit dirt, the barbarian threw her axe true, entering the coward's head, and leaving with his brain.

 There was much pain for me, and much depression following these events but I have learned to cope and understand that through these experiences I may use this to provide help and guidance to others through they're pains and struggles. After a proper burial and memorial for my mother and father, I introduced myself to this stranger who risked her own life for mine. I offered everything I had, afterall it was the least I could do. But she refused. She said I will need what little I have, and that if I'm going to survive another night in the wilderness, I best be following her. And so I did, and haven't stopped since.
 To this day I continue to follow her, as I now consider her my only family. We've become very close, and trust eachother with eachother's lives. And now because of our bond, I've earned my place in her family tree and will forever now be known as Aion Tabar-nak.

Well that's all I can say about that, thanks for taking an interest.. First time I tell this tale, and the last.

-Aion Tabar-nak