Berig     Created on Monday, 12 September 2005 21:40  
My story, isn't much compared to those of my friends. Their stories are filled with trials, hardships, pain and suffering. Anything in my life that has come close to that is a cut along my hand. -smiles- Let me explain myself. I grew up off in the richer part of town, my father a Merchant, a friend with Kirikka's dad who grew up together. I always had it easy, where my dad helped me on anything he could. My mother was a compassionate soul, she loved everything and everyone.

My parents both respected and envied Kirikka and her father, for how they survive anything thrown at them. I was friends with Kirikka the day of Erucolindo's wedding. I could not have been happier! My parents practically kicked me out, (I would've lived with them forever, haha) and I came to aid Buyan Imperial Army. Of course, I loved money, so I became a Merchant by title, and was part of another close-knit family. Kirikka and I always kept in touch, even 'til the point we became Blood sister/brother.

The expierences with the other family members are.. well comical. I knew most of them, but did not know thier connection to Kirikka and Erucolindo. We all help each other out, play, everything a family should. Let me explain my coalliance with them all. Erucolindo I met when we was a Capt. in the army. He looked towards the cadets and privates to school them on his wisdom. I learned many-a thing from him. He taught me the ropes of the Buyan Imperial army, what the certain divisions are, he taught me the ways to hunt with fellow soldiers, he simply got me prepared for the Army life. And I love him for that. Kirikka, how would I say, known forever? I knew her for Yuris before, went through the hurt and love of everything of herself. AmonZul, the outcast, he calls himself, I have gone to him for wisdom none other then the shaman can give me. I learned to trust his opinions, trust his actions, and most importantly trust him. He's guided me through the chaos of normal-living, and giving me strength when all odds seemed against me. The last family member, I've actually not met, he has been away on a mission for 4 Yuris now! I can't wait for him to come back, after-all, he is a long lost brother!