Berig     Created on Tuesday, 03 May 2005 10:56  
  Many, many years ago...

This is my first memory.

I awoke to drops of rain falling on my upturned face. As I blinked the sand from my eyes I heard chaning in a strange tougue. Getting up from my bed of soft ferns; I causiously approached a circle of robed figures. In their center was a roaring blaze. As I watched, spectral shapes arose from the ground. The spectors were moving over and through the assembled "Spirit Talkers".

Soon the spirits began to take on various forms--some recognizable, others...not. The chanting ceased and a congress began between them and the shamans. One spirit separated from his fellows and silently approached my 'hiding place'. I was suprised to find a large wolf peering down at me. When he spoke, I felt- more than heard-his voice; "AmonZul, I name you".

Until that moment I did not have a name-for I had never had a need for one. I never knew my parents, yet I always felt loved. I always knew where to find food and shelter. The meaner things of the wilderness shied away before I could ever approach. I now knew the reason why, Amon (Spirit Wolf), had been watching over me since my birth 5 yuri ago.

Amon was my mother's spirit guide. My father long since departed-Amon was my mother's only constant companion. As she lay dying of a strange wasting disease; she commisioned Amon to watch over me as his own. The name, AmonZul, translates 'Child of Amon'. Though I had never seen him before, till now, I knew who this was that stood before me.

The wolf told me that I had fallen asleep in The Mudang Valley. The group I was watching were my brothers and sisters--thou I was not yet ready to join their number. Amon decided that it was time to begin my training. Over the next 10 Yuri I began to learn the way of the shaman, from Jaydephoenix to the current Elder Izabella.

As I spent more and more time in civilization, I felt the call for more structure in my life. I looked into a career in the BIA. Erucolindo and Kirikka, seeing something in me, sponsored my application into the BIA. Knowing that I had no family, other than an older brother whom you seldom saw, they invited me into their home as one of their own.

As I grew in the BIA, I also grew as a member of the Solinarus family.

AmonZul Solinarus