Berig     Created on Friday, 04 May 2007 03:43  
  In the spring of Hyul 6, I Diva DeVyne was married to XingYu Seong by the legendary shaman Izabella.  For many Hyuls I lived alone with a small family of my siter Quidonas and my little brother Divo, as we were orphaned at a young age.  Our parents were Han, and upon their untimely death we moved to stay with our grandmother in Masan, Kugnae.  It was there that our tiny family formed and stayed strong even after her passing.

My sister followed her shaman bloodline back to the valley of Mudang where she sleeps most of her nights, and I found myself beckoned by my own Divine gifts of the Tao Te Ching.  I still look after my little brother, and depend on his assistance to maintain the hectic lifestyle of a reknowned alchemical scholar and prophet of the tommorrows. It was in the divine order that XingYu caught word of my innovative work, and tireslessly attempted to court my affection.

After not having many men in my life besides my dainty little brother, I was unable to accept the prospect of changing my last name.  The DeVyne surname was fabricated by me and adopted by my brother in the hopes to forget our tragic childhoods growing up.  It has been for the lognest time, a symbol of our triumph and strength even against the greatest odds.  Therefore I was quite offstandish with the ever persistant XingYu.

I do not feel it was fate that brought us together, that is an archaic concept prescribed by the gwa-Gu diviners of the past.  I feel it was a rather reunion of heroes that have carried through the darkest nights that sparked our collaboration.  After many attempt I finally gave in to his romantic proposals and I am happy to announce that upon my marriage to XingYu I have been admitted into the Seong family of Kugnae.  

From this time forth I will be Diva DeVyne Seong in recognition of his rich history and my novel traditions. I have read about our history from before even king Yuri's reign, and the development of merchant trade lines and logs has aided me in recovering my part of the family tree. My history with the Seong family begins now as I write it, and though our union may have been quiet, it has sent ripples across the social fabric of the kingdom.  It is an indeed a divine reunion of heroes.

~Diva DeVyne Seong
Grey Mi-Rae Prophet of the Tommorrows