LaQueesha     Created on Monday, 22 December 2008 01:31  
  Ahh, the Sudeki family name...for hyuls now I have wished it possible to bear the name without bringing great shame to my highly reputable father, Destine Sudeki. One might think that it is only natural for a daughter to take on her father's name, but that is not so when it comes to an illegitimate daughter.

You see, for many Yuri my father was linked in matrimony to the one and only, EquALLEN. This common street hag somehow managed to wow my father and impress him with her feminine mystique. From the outside, this marriage appeared to be all that one could hope for. My father provided financially while his wife ensured he didn't look like the fool that he was in the mountain arena. Unfortunately, their relationship was lacking the one thing that supercedes all - love.
There has only been and will be one woman my father will ever love, my mother. Oh, she is the most gorgerous woman to walk through these kingdoms. Even Mhul himself would drop to his knee upon her passing. Her endeavors in the arts gained her great respect within the muse guild. Many considered her to be the most sought after and most beautiful woman in the kingdoms. That is why no one ever suspected she would fall for my father.

If you haven't already figured it out, I am the result of an affair between Destine Sudeki and Silversasami (Clearly, I got my good looks from her). Although she has passed, no one will ever forget her. Her kindness, wisdom, and beauty have left their permanent mark on this kingdom.

My father didn't want to share his name before in fear of shame, but now he understands his error in marrying equaALLEN. He understands that my mother was his one true love and if he ever wants to honor her name then he must allow me to bear his - Sudeki.
