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  Samurakami Family  

The meaning of our family 'Samurakami' literally translates into village above. We were given this name as a hope that one day, our entire family would find each other; in this life or the next, on earth or in the village above, heaven. Our family had been torn and tattered by the outcomes of war that our parents and their preceeding parents' knew full well that seperation and chaos would strike the very roots of our family's' existence.

Indeed, it took as many Hyuls to even find one member of our own flesh and blood. As to say who else is out there that is part of us, I cannot say for the time being. The origin our family is one of great nobility, though the exact legend is lost; our grandparents were fair nobility in a kingdom far away.

Respected, loyal and trustworthy, they served the king of the time during his long reign. However, near the end of the kings' reign, a prediction of blood and battle hit ears of all the citizens of the kingdom. Our grandparents, already having had a son, decided to send their only child with a servant into the wilderness in a quaint little town far away. They made sure the servant gave him the last name of 'Samurakami' because they knew full well that they would need get the opportunity to meet their child once again but perhaps in the heavens, a peaceful little village above the brutality of mankind.


Our father grew up in this little town, learning values such as loyalty, respect and humility - found a fair maiden amongst the women of the little town. They became married and concieved a number of children, I being one of them. As life continued, they reared their children the best they could, until one day tragic news came upon the people of the kingdoms yet again. The same army who destroyed the kingdoms of our fathers' existence would soon come to destroy the little town and all things around it.

My father instilled all his children to another servant, telling the servant to make certain he conveyed our last name and its meaning with him, in hopes that one day we will meet in tthe village above, apart from the destruction of mankind. From the lessons of our grandparents and parents, our family values that have come into existence are respect, loyalty and humility.. but most of all hope.. hope that one day we will all be together in the village above.