Berig     Created on Wednesday, 16 March 2005 19:21  
  The meaning of your name:

The name Ravenstone, at first glance, may appear a bit unusual. It doesn't take a genius to tell that it's not a name of any local bloodline, but one a bit more supernatural... Taken from my real father, the part-demon Geruut, It's meaning is traced back nearly as far as time itself. The raven - a quiet observer, he is quick when need arises, yet patient as time itself. Stone - unwilling to move or sway with the winds of change, we know who we are, our mortal purpose, and we remain true to ourselves.

Your family history:

The history of this family name varies greatly from the history of this family, so I will try my best to answer this effectively... When my real parents we're first taken from me, I made my way from town to town, meeting many people, yet knowing none. That is until I met Aezriael, an aspiring druid with vampric blood coarsing through her veins, an odd combination to say the least, but as she told me of her love for nature and of how she feeds from it's energy, not flesh, I became fascinated and we became fast friends. Her family was equally as loving and open and took me into thier home without a second thought.

Your family values:

Our family holds knowledge as our most valuable asset, often you can find us buried in books or staring off into space, lost in our own heads. We believe that anyone willing to seek out and learn should be able to do so, and we will always help those who have yet to find thier place in our lands. We are not disrespectful, and believe that all people are equal, regardless of thier strength, family name, or status in the community. Most of all, we hold nature in the highest respect. (This should be apparent, as most every one of my closest kin are Druids! =p) Nature provides all that we need to live, yet never asks for anything in return. *picks an apple and leans against a tree, closing her eyes and smiling cheerily*

Your family tree:

Maejima + Hwang (My adopted parents) ----
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Keiara Aezriael + MooCowing Mauro DarkDesireX + Noreaga
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Keroshi Yumpie DarkenedHope
LiLu Kakio
Katta NiteMaerFTW

Your location on the family tree:

My place in the family tree may seem a little odd at first glance. It is true I have never been married yet have three children, all of which I adopted in thier infancy. I still remember the first time I saw Keroshi ^^, his little tail swishing around while he cooed in my arms, how could I resist? I knew others would shun him, and I'd known the feeling all too well...
The reason I would be the head of this family name is that it was but my own, though some of my adopted family have told me they would gladly wear my name along with thiers.. *smiles cheerily* Truly, I feel lucky to be part of such a loving family.

Your experiences with your family members:

My experiences with my family members are numerous, and never dull. We've hunted together, played games, sold things at market, gambled and lost dreadfully, been chased by dragons, and watched many a friend pass from our realm... Every family has it's ups and downs. From the first time I met Aezriael (She was very young, not even out of the Rat cave yet!) I knew we had a special bond. It was she who brought me out of the shell I'd been in since my parents had been slain. We quickly became much like sisters, which eventually we did when her mother adopted me with open arms. Noone had ever treated me quite as nicely as the druids had, I was used to ridicule and bombardments of rotten vegetables... --; But alas, the good times outweigh the bad... No matter how many times I play, flower match never bores me *grins*, but what makes it worthwhile is having such a family by my side while I do so.


~Keiara Rose Ravenstone~
~The Gentle Demoness~