XiaoXing     Created on Friday, 21 September 2007 19:58  
  Xiao-Xing Paektu was born to Vansith Paektu and his wife SandPaper. As a small child the boy had already begun to show great promise as a Rogue when he would hide as a game and noone could ever find him. He was so dedicated to not being found that he once hid for 3 days in the same spot. When he finally returned home his father scolded him for being gone while his mother simply embraced him and cried. Xiao simply smirked. Through the years Xiao began to hone his skills and use them toward his advantage. He began leading a life of petty crime. Simple pick pocketing and the like. However, on day he picked the wrong pocket. A member of the KSG had been walking down the street when Xiao attampted to pick his pocket. The man grabbed Xiao's hand and looked down to him. He simply smiled and said, "Boy, you may be a great Spy someday. For now, watchout who's pocket you pick."
After he was caught, Xiao slowed down on his criminal ways. He set himself a new goal. A goal in which he KNEW he could not tell his father about. So he continued to hone his skills in secret. Getting better and better at them he decided to test it. He waited for his father one day, to walk by where he hid. When he did, Xiao snatched for his coin pouch. Success! Xiao knew now that he was ready to proceed down the path of the Rogue. "Soon, I will be in the KSG. Then father will be proud of me."

Now Xiao-Xing travels around Nexus with his good friend Pookiefive, gaining insightand attempting to learn as much as he can about his own rogue path and as much as he can to learn about the KSG. He strives to become stronger, so as to make his father proud.