Berig     Created on Saturday, 16 July 2005 19:05  
I was born in the kingdom of Buya to a poor family. They have always thought me to be a mage that will always be good instead of evil. They have always measured me like a stick.

My mom and dad were both peasants and they worked all day in the farm trying to earn some money and they always wanted the very best for me. That was to leave them and go find a perfect family that will help you set goals in your life and accomplish them. This lifestyle didn't suit me also, and I always knew I felt like I was missing something. Now that both my parents and I were on the same level they decided to send me to a trip to Kugnae.

As I was walking to Kugnae I found a special inn that took care of me. However, they charged too much to stay there and I didn't have a lot of money. So one day, while I was traveling to east Kugnae I saw a big family called "Destiny". They seemed very nice and helpful so I decided to join them.

The Destiny family helped me very much in my journey of life, but I kept feeling like that something was missing. So one day I decided to try the next big city, Nagnang. Nagnang was calmer and less civilized. It was perfect to start a new life. I spent all my life trying to find a spot to live but the only spot I found was in a wilderness called Woodlands.

So one day while I was traveling in the woodlands of to find some food, I met this strange man called DarkTurtle and he talked to me about his family. He looked like a turtle to me and I thought he was crazy. However, later on I learned that he really did care for me and his people. I also found out that something I was missing in that family.
He taught me about his way of life and how to survive in the wilderness.

DarkTurtle was my role model and I followed him into his family and was initiated. I learned alot about tactical fighting, barbarian fighting and many ways to master the bow and arrow. He taught me everything he knew and I was very easy to learn. From that point on I knew it was me who had to make a decision. To either stay here with Mugatu or to go back to Kugnae. I decided to live in Woodlands with Mugatu family and this is where I stand now.
