Berig     Created on Thursday, 27 January 2005 15:28  

The story of the Mizu family is a long one filled with tragedies and our victories over them. The name Mizu is not my birth name.. in fact I don't know my given name... you see.. I was Orphaned at a young age.. my family Life was broken one day by a vengeful witch. My parents were forced to leave their home. Father left with me and Mother with my sister Dece. Well we lost all contact with Dece and my mother.. I never even knew her name..
Well my father couldn't live with out my mother's love.. he became sick I know deep down It was his Broken heart.. He left me with a wise old scribe of the land.. I was about 5 years old when my father died God rest his soul.. Well I lived in the home of the old scribe for many years.. he taught me the way's of the warrior.. to read, write, and how to be a man. I studied closely in the ways of the Church of the Blue Dragon a small group of elders, the head of which was my host. When I was about 11 years old.. my life took another tragic turn a Barbarian raid on the little town left me unconscious, my tutor dead.. my house burned.. and my life in the small town.. over. I looked to the sea with tears in my eyes I took the Towns last small raft, and set sail for anywhere. I landed on a small shore.. Dae shore I later found out was it's name.. I lived in a neighboring city for a few months.. Kugnae was it's name.. I was oh so lonely.. 11 years old.. alone on the streets I decided that I would return to the Damn sea that brought me to this lonely place. I filled the pockets of my robe with heavy rocks and started for Dae shore once again I kneeled in the ankle deep water to think a second about what I was about to do.. Would drowning hurt? Would it be quick? Then, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up into the most beautiful face I'd ever seen. It was Lady Mesocute. Out of her kind heart she took me in.. I was now.. Her son.

She took me into her clan. Oceana. She gave me a reason to live. She saved my life. I spent the rest of my life with her and her son Superkev Learning the ways of the kingdom. I grew into a man.. met My loving wife Katarei, her Blood father kougaiji her adopted Mother SeaAngel. They all became my family. Together we chose the Name Mizu Water to represent our similar stories How important the water is to all of us.. We are bonded together as the Mizu family. We Value most.. Love, friendship, each other, the Oceana, our home... it is a bond that will never be broken. As long as we are all in the kingdoms we will be family.. and even long after.

(A neat signature on a tear stained page)
-Ninked Mizu-