Berig     Created on Saturday, 08 April 2006 22:14  
  My name is Dethany.  For a long time... I had no name at all.   Dethany is the name I gave myself a long time ago.  I come from a place called Rhydin.  It was a mystic world that worked in a mysterious way.  A place where mortals were a minority.  Dark magic had corrupted many.  There was no balance between those that walked a path of dark, and light.  I was raised my Shendra MordentShire.

Shendra.. even if she never did age in appearance, was quite old, and quite strong.  She was the leader of a strong clan.  She.. -scratches head-.. she was the first MordentShire.  Most of the clan was silent, and to themselves.  They each studied the many different paths of magic; and most of them were dark spirited.   I never knew why these people took me in until was older.  Infact I don't remember enough about them to understand to make sense of theit chaos and destruction..

They left and ventured far east where Shendra claimed the throne of Demor.  I stayed back; in Rhydin for a long time after that, with a friend, who I thought of as a sister, Rakna Kraven.  She too came from a strange family.  She had no parents, only her brothers.  She was said to be the only sister of the Kraven family.  The Kravens were not a family, though.  They were a group of 'brothers' who formed the brotherhood to stand up against the people who punished others for no reason.  It was not long before Rakna asked me to live with them.  I did live with them for a few years.  Rak I learned after a long time was not right.  Literally.  She lived a human life; stuck in here a daemon that she had to feed.  I'd rather not go there.  As there are many unpleasant memorys that assosiate with the people.. or 'creatures' I met from my days in Rhydin.  However -- Rak soon gave in to her demon and was lost forever, to insanity.

Rak disappeared.  I was very sad.  I felt like she left me here all alone to be the only sister.  It was hard to be a sister to nine brothers.  Nine Kravens at that.  My brothers all died off though, one by one.  I lost my last brother when I was only seventeen.  For a long time I felt like I had no one.  I kept to myself, because I had too.  It was the safer way at the time.  Until the United Counil of Rhydin took reign of the land.  This was an orginization of people who held much wisdom and decided to bring peace, to the chaos of all the races of people, all of the familys, all of the clans, which were constantly at war.  It was common for small disuptes to end in death.  That always did make me feel uneasy... it was so hard to be so scared all the time of what would happen next.. but also keep aware of what was going on around me.  I always was afraid to die, even in a land where death was never the end...

I spent three years keeping to myself and roaming the land of Rhydin.  I met some important people during this time. Deklyn, I learned the most from him.  He showed me how to survive on my own, and to catch and kill my own food.  Dek was also dillusional.  He ranted so often, about the things he saw, sometimes he would see them while I was around... he explained really strange things to me... but I never saw them.   Dek too left me alone.  His visions got more serious and unbearable and started to cause him pain.  He quested to find 'the powers that be' and beg them to remove the visions he was given.  They said they could not remove them. He insisted to them that the visions would driving him to madness. The powers, an entity, told him, "they would".  I got a parchment from him, explaining if he came home, it was forsaw, by him that he would kill me, and he insisted he had a plan to never let this happen.  Little did I know he was out murdering witches (He thought that would ease the pain..?).  He was cursed by a shaman, and for as much as I know in this land of Rhydin his soul is still stuck in stone.  He'll live forever in that stone, but the stone will be as cold as his heart.

When I lost Deklyn, I lost myself.  He was the closest thing I had to a brother, or a friend at that time in my life.  It was said that anyone who lived in Rhydin, that their fates were sealed in Rhydin too.  Whether you're born there.. or find that.. wicked place.  It's supposed to change your destiny.  I'm the only know I know who got away.  Before me, people leaving Rhydin safely was only a rumor.  But I did get away..

I paid a debt of my brothers to a.. Zufall Medri.  It was rumored he was of the Escariot clan, and that they were the ones who embedded he gypsy powers into the Medri's.  Medri was another of many familys and clans that forged together in Rhydin.  Zufall told me of the gypsy's plan to leave Rhyfin, by boat.  Many of them were people he grew up with, I don't think he had a hard time convincing them to take me with them.

We made it if five days before the attack which has devistated me.  We had been on sail for five days.. when we came across another large ship.    I was sleeping, and heard a *loud* BOOM.  It was the sound of the other ship attacking us.  They were pirates.  Our ship was raided and everyone on board was killed.  Except me; and thus far into my life.. I do not know why I was spared.  The pirates took all our goods, food, money.. anything of value.  Completely looted our ship, and sailed on.. probably to their next victims.  I sailed on this ship alone, with the dead people who were once there to help me get to a better a land.  I was hungry and dehydrated.  I knew I wasn't going to last much longer stuck on this ship..... a ship of dead people.  The last thing I remember was night was just about to turn to day, the sun was not yet, but light was starting to color the sky.  I was so hungry.. and so weak... I remember laying back down.. and passing out.

I came to;  on another ship.  This ship was so odd.. and the people on it ere.. strangely nice to me.  The shipped move so fast.  I remember hearing one of the shipmates talk about the "entitiy" and the "power".  What the sails harness, was alive.  They  constantly kept me contained though.  I do not know if I was a threat.. or a prisoner.. I never will know.  I do know at times while concious it was as if the boat was flying.  Maybe..... it was a side effect of their herbal potions though, which kept me alseep.

I lived in silence in a place they called home.   The few months I was stuck in this place, I was not mistreated, but these people I grew to see as 'warriors' gave me much unease.  They assumed.. I couldn't speak.  So I never did.  It took me a long time to realize.. I was not scared to try to escape this place, just as I was not Rhydin.  The first chance I got, I took it.. I was left in the courtyard of their palace one evening...alone.... I ran......and ran, for days it felt.

I ran away from Han and never looked back.  It was until I found my self calling "Nagnang" home that I met my first real friend in this place still foreign to me.  I came across Gberts.  He became a brother and someone I could trust for ever.  I wanted to press on, and travel further away.. but he promise I would always be safe.  It's been true so far.  I soon started to speak again.  Ever since I was introduced to 'the family' I've learned to love each and everyone of them.  The MalLoki-Zen family is a family woven of love, whether it be through mother and father.  Brother or sister.  Aunt or uncle.  They've all became my brothers and sisters.  I've became a stronger person since sharing my life with all of them.  The fate I am sealed to in these lands... known as the kingdom of the winds... is to protect them at all costs... and I will.  As their sister.  All of them.

For those who have helped and loved me so much, I will die for, and do anything for.  I've stayed along side the MalLoki-Zan's side now for years, but it was only until recently I've accepted the name into my own.  I'm not longer Dethany.  The empty lost girl in a land of corrupted mystic magic; or that girl that Deklyn left a long time ago; or someone seeking a new home to call home forever; I'm not longer stuck on a ship, or held against my will (and for what?) for no apparent reason; I'm Dethany MalLoki-Zan, and that is how I will die.