Hokuzen     Created on Sunday, 03 February 2008 00:20  
  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You pull a scroll out of its casing ~~~~~~~~~~~
Hokuzen Lotus, was born in the Summer of Yuri 55. He was born to *blotted out with thick ink* in the region of *blotted out*.

His documented skills consist of:
- Expert-level reconnaissance
- Expert-level Espionage
- Expert-level Saboteur
- Intermediate-level Cryptography
- Intermediate-level Writing

He was picked up by agent 23483-A72 in the Walsuk inn in Kugnae. His first initiation into the family was resulted in a positive match. His is indeed a descendant of Lotus. He is a class two descendant of the blood line ((Grandchild of the original Lotus founder, Namso)).

After speaking with Hokuzen for some time it was revealed that he was separated at birth from his father **blotted out** because of a mix-up at birth. He refused to delve any farther into the matter.

He has followed in his father's footsteps in education by studying martial arts, politics, and the arts. His currently wedded to Ae--nS-- ((Partically smudged)). He has yet to bear a child in his bloodline. We will continue to monitor his activities in the upcoming months to determine whether or not we shall reveal his past to him.  Agents 13462-B23 and 98642-E66 has been assigned the duty of keeping watch over him. For more information please refer to library K6589-73A.

Agent 64523-8A4