Aglaia     Created on Saturday, 19 July 2008 19:43  
  It was a cool summers night.
And the screams coming from the little hut in the wilderness made the hair stand on every creature or man happening to pass.
Aglaia was born.
But she was not alone, she also had a twin sister.
Though they were twins, they could not have looked any more different. Aglaia's hair was light as the sun.
And her sister Namu's hair, was dark as a raven.

By the age of 5, Aglaia was a beauty.
Her older sister BeRLiN and Namu, were faire aswell.
But not as faire as her.

One day, Aglaia decided that she would come with her mother up on the mountain, where she would collect flowers and herbs of all sorts that she used for potions.
She was very good with plants, and she could see what other people would normally miss.
But as she walked aroun with her herb basket, she heard her sister screaming. She quickly turned around to face a fox, running straight at her. Her sister, blinded by fury, attacked the fox over and over to protect her sister. But before the fox died, it managed to bite her neck.
Aglaia screamed and before she knew what she was doing, she raised her arms into the air and a wave of warmth spread through her body and out through her fingertips, right at her sister.
Who magically, recovered.
That day, she found out that she was a poet.

Aglaia trained hard with her sisters, but she could never keep up in strength, no matter how hard she tried.
As they grew older, both of her sisters grew is size and power, while she stayed the same.
One day, after a family hunt, Aglaia decided that she would go for a walk out in the wilderness.
After she walked for about an hour, she came across a woman, sitting and cursing under a tree.
She walked up to the woman and asked her what was wrong.

The woman had been bitten by a snake, and her entire leg was swollen and red. Aglaia only needed a quick look to know exactly what she needed. She ran straight out into the forest and started to look for a flower that when chewed could be placed on the wound of a snake bite, and it would draw out the poison.
After just a few minutes of searching she found it and ran to the womans side to aid her. After the poison was drawn out, the woman smiled at her and took her hand. The she told her all about the druids. Her sisters had both found their paths, and Aglaia had not. So she was thrilled to hear about the druids, and hearing that she too belonged somewhere.

Aglaia trained hard, and got walked into the druid path.
By this time, she was already 16 years of age.
And she had grown strong feelings for her step sister BeRLiN.
But the feelings were mutual, and soon they forged an oath of love in blood.

But as the years passed, Aglaia started to feel more and more like she did not belong with the druids.
And finally she left them.
During this time, she spent alot of time with her mother and the other Shaman. So one day, BeRLiN and Aglaia went to the elder and asked her for help. They were both female, but they desperately wanted to have a child.
The Shaman decided that they would help, and they gave Aglaia a potion. One drop was all that was needed..
9 moons later, Darakash was born.
A beautiful baby girl, concieved by the very spirits of BeRLiN and Aglaia.

The years passed, and Darakash grew up to be a woman.
By the time she was 18 she was so beautiful she could make a full grown barbarian cry. She was the pride and joy of Aglaia and BeRLiN. She had also studied the ways of the monk since she was 12, and what a fine monk she was.
But Aglaia, had still not found her way..

Untill one day she spoke to her daughters friend, Smirk.
She told him about her frustration and he asked her to read their scroll.
By the time she was done reading, tears of happiness was rolling down her cheeks. This was it, she knew it.
This was where she belonged.

She started her training under Maya, and soon she was walked in the monk path. Where she now walks alongside her daughter, and her beautiful spouse and bloodsister BeRLiN to protect them