Berig     Created on Sunday, 03 July 2005 18:46  
East from the valley of Han, the village of Kigai was under heavy attack by the enemy.  Flames engulfed the village as cries of anguish were swept by the valley's winds.  Heroes fought in the name of their village's freedom, and in turn died for the same reason.  The enemy confirmed that the entire village was swept of all life forms, including women and children.

Northwest of the village of Kigai, a young man approaches a sheltered home with three, carefully-wrapped infants in his arms.  The young man was on the verge of experiencing the foundation of death, and pleaded to the home-keeper to take in his three infant brothers. 

Time passed and the use of magic was combined with the sword's mastery.  The three brothers grew into honorable men, ever searching for the reasons their entire village was destroyed.  Knowing they would some day meet their enemy once again, they trained their hardest in their own form of mastery.  The eldest mastered the path of Mystery, the second mastered the stealth of the Rogue, and the youngest trudged on the path of the valiant Warrior.  The brothers were recognized and renowned for their legacy of what seemed to spawn rebirth from the fires of their village, thus adapting their family name -- The Kousei.


The eldest founding brother of Kousei, Juangary, has made it his destiny to understand the embers of his magic.  Though cursed with the images of his burning village, he swore vengeance by harnessing the fires of his hate.

When he was of the age of five, he became a mentor to his brothers.  Though he knew little of the arts of the rogue and warrior, he was able to teach his brothers the basics, which would later develop into the art of mastery. 

Though his goals are seemingly matched with hateful traits, he is known for his kindness and motivation.  Juangary strives to maintain the family values and holds morals in high place.  Discipline is something he does not teach through words, but by experience and action.