Berig     Created on Tuesday, 14 November 2006 02:25  
  Kawaii Family  
                     `The Kawaii Family`

        Around Yuri 55 a great healer, was born. He strived as a young child to earn what he wanted, as well as a little more that he could save. Though the majority of his life he strived to make a living. When he was 11 yuri's old he met a woman whom he was very happy with. Soon after they married, taking on the name Kawaii, which means cute. (the man saw his wife just before deciding and thats all he could think of) They spent the majority of their time together in their cozy home enjoying one anothers company. 2 yuris later, they created their first and only child, Judgement. His birth was very tramatic, killing off the woman. This struck the old man very deeply. The love of his life had passed away. With this pain he could no longer live. He placed his new born son in a basket, placed a piece of paper with the name " Judgement Kawaii" on Judgement's chest, and placed him on the doorstep of a neighboring house. With the sadness pushing him, he walked far away from the town, and slit his throat. Though his lifetime Judgement never really knew his family. Becoming the hier so quickly he had to form their way of life himself. When he was 10 yuri's old he was told about his family. With determination in his eye he began to reform his family creating the "Kawaii Decree" which set the values the family must follow...

           1.No family member shall ever demoralize another
             family member.
           2.Though new life forms new blood, all who are born
             with are blood shall be accepted into our family.
           3.Those who carry our name will always try to do
             their best, not bring shame to our family name.
           4.Truth, Patience, Power are the words we live under
             abandon them, and you will abandon our family.

           After this Decree was set into place he ventured out to regrow his family. Though time he met many men, all of which he found unworthy until he stumbled upon a man who had found himself lost. It was love at first sight a few yuris later they were together, with a cozy home and a beautyful daughter.
           Though this family is still growing, the members find themselves frequently together, battling for honor, and protecting one another. Holding their ties strong as they protect their name.