Limmerick     Created on Tuesday, 20 February 2007 00:48  
  Jeong-Kim Family  
  Long before the great shift were the roots of this ancient family laid, and they grew into the very cores of both Koguryo and Buya. As far as in this history can be recalled, the first recorded ancestors were the Buyan, Bae Jeong and his wife, Soo of Koguryo.

Bae and Soo were not peoples of the wilderness, they were workers in the Buyan palace. Soo maintained the trees and gardens of the palace, sweeping leaves away in autumn and planting seed before the spring, watering each plant and sapling with care, and harvesting every fruit and flower. Bae was a courier for the old (now ancient) Librarian, Pond- and he ran to
and fro, Kingdom to Kingdom and temple to temple gathering all the knowledge which he knew Pond would desire, with particular attention to classic poetry and story. Bae was a lover of the written word.

Seung Jeong was born to Bae and Soo during a heavy snow, inside the warmth of the palace. But when the shattering came, it took Bae away from Soo- who was housed by the Royal family and kept in work as she grieved and passed through the illness which often accompanies such times.
Seung grew to love following his mother in her gardens, and took special interest in herbs and remedies, and as a child planted his own small garden outside palace walls, and so learned the art by trial and error.

Shortly following a meeting of great men with Aino Senshi, within the palace, Soo met the warrior Ha-Neul Kim, who took to her quite quickly, and courted her at every given excuse he had to come to the palace.

So it was that Soo and Ha-Neul were wed and Soo's grief eventually assuaged. But Ha-Neul could not grow to love Seung, and it deeply wounded Soo. In an attempt to soothe her grief, and still unable to grow attached to Seung, Ha-Neul worked ceaselessly and soon, having purchased good land with serfs,
uprooted the family to Southern Koguryo, to a large private estate. In Yuri 33 a son was born to the couple, and they called him Gimpy- as it becomes more and more fashionable with the passing decades to name your children odd things.

Unlike his father, Gimpy quite liked his brother Seung, who was of a similar mind, and engaged him in his childhood war games, though he was a fair bit his elder. Seung left the estate when Gimpy was still only a young man, and married a peasant
woman by the name of Kyon. Soo was angry with him, for marrying so far below his station, and Ha-Neul laughed and wished him well. But Seung needed no encouragement, and took his wife with him back to Buya, to farm land.

Here the history of the two sides splits.The Jeong Line- Bae's kin

Seung and Kyon had two sons. One does not enter this story. The other was Diskord. Diskord however, did not share his parents' desire to farm, and they sent him back to the city, to the tutelage of the Buyan Mage, Eldritch. By bond of affection, Diskord joined the Dorkus Monk family, led by his brother-in-fortune, Demachi. A son was brought,on a night of rain, to the House of Qi, while Diskord  resided there as a Geomancer, and the cloaked individual smelled of the sea, and only whispered that this  was his son, born of a lover Diskord had taken who had long since been swept away from her child by ill-fortune.

The child's face was strikingly alike his father's, and the child is me. I am called Limmerick Jeong. I grew up with only my father, and quickly grew bored of the tedious ways of the wilderness, and traced my way back to the City of Buya.
Here it was Master Muse Demachi who found me and taught me, until I was part of the Guild.
My father, by now the leader of a Koguryan Clan, married a much older, more powerful Druidess by the name of Lashalla. The Jeong line extended in her, as her sisters, Saera and ForrestB were
welcomed into the family warmly as well. ForrestB and my father were close friends, and she was,
in his mind a most diligent woman and a trustworthy relative to have. The sister Saera was a well-known personage in many kingdoms, a woman of archery skill which surpassed many men, kind and true of heart. Lashalla and her sisters dedicated much time and labour into my father's cause and the good of Koguryo.

A son was born to my father and Lashalla, by the name of Jikoku- and shortly after his birth I announced to them my marriage to the Chongun HyunYong, whom I had met by chance among
Mythic Horses, and began to court with terrible poetry and awful flattery. I grew to like Jiko, but I would rather he never be told that.

As I continued my studies and revelled in my new found love, my brother grew fast and the years flew by; Jikoku heedlessly married quite young to an even younger girl, by the name
of Ashyari, and they reside in the halls of my father's kin.
The Kim Line- Ha-Neul's kin

My great-uncle Gimpy trained long and hard in Koguryo, as a follower of Chung Ryong. His bonds were mostly to the men whom he befriended, and treated like brothers. This was his way for many Yuris. But sooner or later, love finds all men in a weak moment, and so he was struck (almost fatally I'd say) by a much younger woman by the name of Amphitrite. The massive age gap was of no consequence to Gimpy, who found in her a beautiful
and patient wife. Amphitrite loved him too, and took her place with him in my father's halls also, beside her husband as his loyal companion, and her station was significantly increased by her marriage as well.

With Amphitrite were welcomed her sisters, Nanami (Primarch of my father's Clan and already a close and trusted friend, as well as reknown master archer) and the Druid ZenxDeauf, the youngest
and quietest of the sisters and a prodigy in the art of healing.

Gimpy joined the Chongun of Koguryo and trained long and hard in Dae shore, balancing his time with his work and his love for Amphitrite, with whom he had one son, Sole, born in the spring of 80, and one daughter, Starlite, born in the fall of 77. The couple raised their son with pride, and Sole grew quickly into an industrious and independent man, reliant on no one, solitary but kind- Starlite took a fondness for the Druid arts in the fashion of her aunt, Zenx, and inherited that quality of the first generation, which sees the arts light your soul afire with passion.

In ZenXDeauf, Starlite and Lashalla resonate
the qualities of Soo and her love of nature. In Gimpy and HyunYong, Ha-Neul's legacy  of war skill continues, and I like to think that Starlite, my father and I inherited Bae's love of the arts.

The Jeong and Kim lines, in their merger share deep loyalties to one another, and prize most of all virtues generosity and justice. These qualities are not exclusively limited to being
demonstrated within the family but without, and they are instilled in each generation by the elders. These two families take great pride in education and literacy, and are collectors
of information for the benefit of the family and the community in which they reside.