Dreamy     Created on Thursday, 05 June 2008 00:19  
Life is full of pleasant surprises, the cycle of time never  ends.


    As I sat under the Great tree, I closed my eyes, happily recounting my experience in the recent few days. Life is truly a master of fate, where the present becomes the past and past becomes the present.

  I can hardly recall when I first met RielZ, so long ago it was, my memory no longer reach that far. It must have been when I was a young Poet, as I vaguely remember that it was our favorite hobby to play with the blood-colored Sheeps in Mythic. Looking back, the memories are nothing but joyous.

 Growing up meant a split of fate. Life and its magic hands pointed out two separate paths for the two young ones. I, remained within a sanctuary, to seek the meaning of life; while he adventured, to face the endless challenges and surprises the world had to offer. He often took arduous journeys that lasted many seasons. When he occasionally stopped by the sanctuary, he had many stories to offer, many tales to tell, but he never stopped for long before he ventured into another great journey. We both met many others and made many friends as we walked our own path.

 The last journey was perhaps the lengthest, it last many many Yuris, it felt like the memories I held was really in the past. Just a few Sun ago, I woke up from a night of dreams. To my surprise, I received a letter from that ever so familiar name, RielZ: "Dreamyyyyyyy, I'm back!" I pinched myself doubting my sleepiness, it was real enough. Once again, the cycle of time weaved the past into the present. We spent the next few moons recounting and laughing about our experiences about the past Yuris. Surprised to find that a few friends we met on our journey we actually shared. Everything has changed but our friendship remained, or perhaps, even stronger. To me, that holds the true meaning of family, a friend to share with, a friend to laugh with, a friend to listen, a friend who may be absent at times, but is held by an unbrokenable bond that lasts for eternity. And here is my formal request, to be a part of a family, bonded by everlasting friendships.

~Monk of the Snow Lotus~