Berig     Created on Wednesday, 14 March 2007 21:08  
  I hear questions such as, "Who are you?" and "Where do you come from?" quite often. My name is Kilburn, originally I came from lands far to the west of here, that most have never even heard of.

My life was actually quite different back then... I was a completely different person, since then I have changed, for the better too I like to believe. I had a little training in swordsmanship, although the training was much different from the kind someone would recieve around here. I never actually had much experience in a real battle at the time either, there was no need. Aside from the occasional bandits you would meet on the road, it was very peaceful.

Back then, I had my own family, I was married even. I remember when I met Kessei, and his son Josaih, apparently Kessei's wife had been slain while his town was attacked. My wife and I took Kessei and his son in as if they were our own family. I remember Kessei telling me how he was from a land to the east called Buya, and he even taught me some of the sword techniques he had learned there. He was very skilled, he outmatched me by far.

 Kessei became like a brother to me, as time went on, and Josaih like a nephew. Life was simple, and peaceful, some may even go as far as to call it, boring. But it didn't matter, we were happy. Well at least until, that day...

 I remember it far too well, better than I would like to. When I first took Kessei and his son in, Kessei had some very serious wounds, as did his son Josaih, although Kessei's were much worse. Eventually as time went on, the wounds seemed to heal, or from the outside at least. Now I realize they had become infected.

 So the day everything changed, was the day, Kessei died. Josaih had been outside in some woods, I'm not really sure what he was doing out there, but I remember he liked to spend a lot of time in the woods. I remember all too well, when Josaih came back home, to find his father's body, and we had to explain what happened. Josaih was very close to his father, and he certainly did not take it well. The very next day, Josaih left, he said he was going to go to buya, where his father was from.

 One part of me, wanted to follow Josaih and go with him, to protect him, and to see this place called buya for myself. But I stayed behind with my wife, I didn't want to leave her by herself, and I don't think she could have handled a trip to Buya.

 Less than a month later however, there was an attack on our small town, Pirates had come to pillage what little we had of value. I tried to fight them off as best I could, however in the end I failed, I could not protect my wife. They took her with them, as they did many of the women. To this day I do not know what has become of her, I'm honestly not sure I want to know what happened. I just pray that they made it quick and painless on her.

After all of that occured, my village was nearly completely destroyed, and once again I thought of the land called Buya. Interestingly enough, I rememer encountering a group of people that were trying to open a trade route to Buya, and they wanted to hire me as an escort, to protect them from thieves and bandits along the way. It was a perfect opportunity, I had nowhere else to go anymore, and I would need the money, seeing as how all I had was stolen.

 When I finally arrived in Buya, or rather, it was near Buya, that I then parted ways with the rest of the group, and prepared to begin my life over, or  at least try. While I was in Buya I learned of a group known as the Chonguns. Warriors trained in the art of war, and devoted to honor, and protecting. After all I had been through, I wanted to devote the rest of my life to protecting others.

 I entered an art of war classes, taught by the Chongun StrongOne. I also met Deimos, who offered to train me in the ways of the Chongun, but not only that, he offered to take me into his family, the Hijo. I am thankful for the opportunity.
I may not ever see my wife again, but I do have a family.