Berig     Created on Friday, 20 July 2007 20:47  
  I am ConanBarb and I have been taught the ways and life of the Blue dragon by my foster family, but alas something in my life seemed a miss. I happened to stumble into the Kugnae library one day and was thirsty for knowledge about life in my kingdom so I started to pour over the scrolls provided by the librarian. I found out the ways of the Chonguns.
Yes I thought to myself this is what I am missing, a family. The thoughts and attitude were so familiar it was like my way of living. I proceeded to cleanse myself from the Blue dragon and contact a guide. I was honored to be accepted by Deimos we meet to discuss what was needed of me to become a family member of such a great subpath and family member.  With great patience he chose to guide my steps into the Chongun way of life.

I am a proud Warrior but I was taught pride can be a two edged sword and it was something I would need to change and understand as it can be your demise. His wisdom and understanding in guiding me was overwhelming. I learned much from his wisdom. The two of us along with my Blood brother Mezcal joined together to conquer many mythic monsters and I was humbled to have his aid in doing so during my trials of hardship.

When I was offered a chance to join his Family, as an adopted son, instantly without reservation I said yes. It was one of the happiest days in my life; I had finally found the peace in myself that had been missing for so many Yuris in my travels. I was in the family I had been searching for, for so long. Still in training under his guide ship I felt I was finally complete and whole. I found it an honor to be asked to join my brothers and family in the Hijo family line. I look forward to protecting the Hijo family with honor and respect and bringing both to the Family name throughout the kingdoms. And so begins my journey to see where my life and path will take me, into the future as a family member and a Chongunate.

          Signed ConanBarb